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  chunks of flommus 


pretty much exactly this

I’m in Chica­go, 1992.

Check­ing out the city be­fore mov­ing there to go to School of the Art In­sti­tute. I’m still IN high school here tho. This is like March. Well, I didn’t end up there long term, no.

Note the U2 Achtung Baby tee and leather jack­et, which I’d cus­tom paint­ed. Yes, those are Chili Pep­per symbols.

This couldn’t be more ear­ly 90s if it was Pauly Shore in the pic.

Note also how I have my tee shirt mas­ter­ful­ly tucked in. The sure sign of a man that knows how to win win win. Livin the dream. Drinkin shoplift­ed Mad Dog in the park­ing lot of a Rollins Band / Cor­ro­sion of Con­for­mi­ty show.

And hair would do this thing where it would phase through col­ors on its own. Some­times re­al­ly light brown, some­times red­dish brown, some­times re­al­ly dark brown.

When I was a wee lad, it was blonde as hell.

Dude I had an X cap lat­er that year. Lol. And an eye­brow pierc­ing. I may have been in Ned’s Atom­ic Dust­bin at some point too but my memory’s a lil fuzzy.

I was so … cool.

No wait, that’s not it. I was srsly about as artfag as they come.


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 1992, 2020 Ja­son Malmberg.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
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Der Tung
Fri 31 Jul 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

