Dear Christians,
You are not persecuted or oppressed in America. You never have been.
No one is biased against you because of your beliefs. If anything, some of us are biased against you because of your actions.
You are oppressive and harmful a great percentage of the time because you don’t actually move out of the love that your book club is supposed to be about.
My father taught that book you claim for 42 years. I know it better than most of you. He was a good man who worked to love everyone. A lot of you are not.
A lot of you are weird and full of hate because the belief handed down from your parents forced you to repress parts of you instead of actually getting to know them, accepting them, and loving them, so you mirror your resentment and self-hate at others.
Jesus would’ve flipped every table Donald Trump sets over.
The tables that Jesus flipped in the temple weren’t JUST because money was being exchanged. Jesus flipped them because they were in the part of the temple where the women worshipped; because the men were taking up the women’s space with greed and money.
Sound familiar?
A lot of the kids I grew up going to church camp with look like nazi apologists these days. A lot of you Jesus wouldn’t recognize, but a lot of you know that because you’re just “culturally Christian” in order to reap the benefits of being part of a societal majority.
So much less work than actually following the teachings of Christ.
This is just a little reminder that Christian literally translates to “little Christ” and that Christ never supported a candidate, tried to destroy communities that thought different than him, or sought earthly power over others.
I love you.
Happy Sunday.
—andru defeye
Flommist Andru Defeye is the Guerrilla Emeritus Poet Laureate of Sacramento. Copyright © 2025 Andru Defeye. Pictured: Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, Pharisees, 1912, source.