Watching a city slowly wake up during sunrise
a hot cup of tea on a rainy day
dipping my feet in a clear river
the breathtaking view when you reach the peak of the mountain
a call when you are feeling homesick
the quietness right after a really good laugh
the heaviness of complete darkness in a cave
feeling small among giant statues and skyscrapers
breathing in crisp air
the first sip of ice water on a hot day
an unexpected compliment
a child’s laughter
the crashing of waves
a smile from a stranger
finding money you didn’t know you had
going to bed without an alarm
the warm feeling after a coke and whiskey • • •
—tiffany giang
This was a cool edit by a friend in the hostel. Even though I’ve been traveling and seeing a lot of things, some of my favorite memories will always be the little moments I find myself at peace.
Flommist Tiffany Giang is just living her life. Copyright © 2017 Tiffany Giang.