“Lone wolf” terrorism is a term coined by a White Supremacist named Louis Ray Bean Jr. who ran the Puller Camp, a White Supremacist terrorist training center in Louisiana founded in the 1980s that trained children as young as 8 in guerrilla warfare tactics.
He used the term “lone wolf” to describe a method of warfare where individuals could promote the White Supremacist cause without being tied to the cause directly (a.k.a. “he acted alone, he was a lone wolf”).
This concept was expanded by Thomas Metzger, a Grand Wizard of the KKK and founder of WAR (White Aryan Resistance) who advocated White Supremacists break into small-cell structures across the country to attack the government and individuals in seemingly random, disconnected ways so their organizations could remain anonymous and their hands clean of any violence, while still working together nationally toward the larger White Supremacist agenda.
The theory continued with Alex Curtis (I’ll just let you rage read about this MFr and his thoughts here).
What’s important to understand about lone wolf terrorism is it is not in fact random individuals acting alone, it is instead very much organized violence.
It is also directly connected to another concept called “scripted violence.” Trump is a fucking *master* at scripted violence.
Read about this here.
Basically, scripted violence is when a leader uses a media platform to describe acts they would like to do against an identity group but leaves it up to the viewer to act. Example: “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.”
There’s a similar term to this called stochastic terrorism (book found here).
Stochastic terrorism takes scripted violence a step further to describe how the indirect and the seemingly unaffiliated messaging of leadership can be designed to incite individuals who are already prone to violence to perpetrate the cause (ISIS also famously uses this method).
These tactics are not limited to domestic White Supremacist terrorists. They are used all over the world by terrorist organizations and authoritarian leaders. However, every time we see a White Supremacist terrorist “acting alone” we have to see it as part of the larger organization of White Supremacy.
TLDR: Putting all of this together: The “random acts” of White Supremacist violence are not in fact random, they are highly organized in a way to remove culpability of leadership to preserve the existence of the organization and promote the cause.
As I have said before and I will say a thousand times: Read about White Supremacist groups. Read their ideology. Read their tactics. They are far more advanced and far more dangerous than people give them credit for being. They want us to dismiss them as hillbillies, rednecks, and poor, lost 17 year old boys that randomly act alone. That’s not the case.
Remember: Wolves are pack animals, even when found alone in the wild. There’s a reason these White Supremacist MFrs chose this term.
White Supremacists are at war with us, regardless if we recognize, understand, or accept it.
—natalie michelle
Flommist Natalie Michelle doesn’t have a bio. She just rants. Copyright © 2020 Natalie Michelle. Top Foto via The Kenosha Shooting Suspect Was In The Front Row Of A Trump Rally In January.