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We told you. We warned you.

Some of us ac­tu­al­ly BEGGED you not to sup­port this aw­ful half-a-man.

But you vot­ed for him any­way. We said he’d get us all killed. You vot­ed for him any­way. At every aw­ful turn you sup­port­ed his ig­no­rant horse­shit and some of you (you know who you are) found ways to blame de­moc­rats for things Trump clear­ly did on his own that fucked with your paycheck.

We need a real leader right now. You don’t want the blame for some­thing Trump has clear­ly, demon­stra­bly, in­con­tro­vert­ibly made a mil­lion times worse (and he’s still do­ing it) then you need to loud­ly drop sup­port for this garbage RIGHT NOW be­cause this is no longer left vs right.

This is life and death. Y’all like to call your­selves “pro life” no?


And a note to you ‘bernie or bust’ idiots:

We don’t need you.

Your boy’s can­di­dates crapped out in the midterms and he’s los­ing AGAIN. If this pan­dem­ic isn’t enough to make you think of what hap­pens when you put your­self first then re­al­ly who gives a shit what you think on any topic?

White non-col­lege ed­u­cat­ed vot­ers have jumped away from Bernie to Biden and Biden is win­ning by in­creas­ing­ly huge mar­gins. The peo­ple have spo­ken in crys­tal clear terms.

The youth rev­o­lu­tion didn’t even turn up with old peo­ple death in the mix.

This thing is over. Bernie has the del­e­gates to help move the plat­form but he *will not* be the nom­i­nee. If you cared about what he fought for then help us move Biden left and send Trump home (and then to jail hope­ful­ly). If you only care about your­self and your per­son­al wish list and you spend the next 8 months spread­ing con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries about the DNC then you’re no bet­ter than a MAGA Trumpist.

I will tell you this: You spent your tantrum al­lowance in 2016 and won’t be hu­mor­ing you dil­dos a sec­ond time.

If you were tru­ly as pro­gres­sive and “rev­o­lu­tion­ary” as you pre­tend to be you’d be us­ing your ad­mit­ted­ly sub­stan­tial bloc to move the plat­form of the win­ning can­di­date to the left. But pulling this “I’m tak­ing my toys and go­ing home” shit isn’t gonna work this year like it did in 2016.

We flipped the House with­out you. We will take on Trump with­out you.


Also I re­al­ly re­al­ly RE­AL­LY want to re­it­er­ate how much I hate be­ing in this po­si­tion. I’m not jazzed about Biden. I was a Ka­mala guy then a Liz guy. I would love to be able to con­grat­u­late Bernie on a valiant run and give his sup­port­ers the Last Cru­sade “ya lost to­day kid, but ya don’t have to like it”.

But the tox­i­c­i­ty in 2016 and this time is just too much and you can­not con­vince me his not tak­ing the hint and his peo­ples tantrum in 2016 didn’t plunge us all into lit­er­al hell. Seriously.

This week feels like a night­mare I can’t wake up from and it will be months of it IF I’m lucky enough to sur­vive it. And I’m pissed off that this per­son­al­i­ty cult is will­ing to pout and plunge us 4 years deep­er into more night­mares. Every oth­er can­di­dates peo­ple took it in stride and moved on but with Bern­ers it’s all a god damned con­spir­a­cy be­cause they only know 12 peo­ple in Port­land and they all sup­port Bernie so that’s every­body right? Ughhhhhhhh.


In more pos­i­tive news, I de­signed this poster for Chris Mc­Don­ald and the peo­ple at and these are gonna be gor­geous prints avail­able to help get the vote out in Texas and maybe even turn it blue.

We’ll be raf­fling off these beau­ties at Head­count events in summer!”
—Chris Mc­Don­ald


And If you read noth­ing else today:

We will not be the same coun­try when this is over. We can’t be. We shouldn’t be. Right now, the fo­cus is, as it must be, on the im­me­di­ate cri­sis at hand. It looms over us with a dark­ness that stretch­es forth with­out a hori­zon in sight.

These will be sad and scary times. Peo­ple will suf­fer, and many will die. It will reach into everyone’s life. For some, the loss will be marked in the pass­ing of friends and loved ones, close and per­son­al. Oth­ers might es­cape such an im­me­di­ate toll, but the eco­nom­ic pain will be wide­spread. Here too, it will be un­even, in­flict­ing the great­est cost on the poor­est, most vul­ner­a­ble, and most des­per­ate. It will also strike some in­dus­tries much deep­er than others.

I can’t help but re­flect on oth­er mo­ments of hard­ship, anx­i­ety and suf­fer­ing. I was born into the Great De­pres­sion, and the im­ages of ab­ject pover­ty among my neigh­bors, the hope­less­ness of job search­es, the ache of emp­ty bel­lies, are etched in my con­scious­ness. So too are mem­o­ries of the war that soon fol­lowed. The very real sense that the world might end with a tri­umph of evil. The fa­thers who went off to bat­tle and nev­er re­turned. The dawn­ing of the atom­ic era that end­ed the con­flict. In the course of my work I have seen many oth­er mo­ments like these, where fear and tragedy raged, al­though most were more localized.

What I have also seen is that from cri­sis can emerge op­por­tu­ni­ty. We hu­mans tend not to be good at an­tic­i­pat­ing prob­lems. We seem to think good times will con­tin­ue, even as we make de­ci­sions that leave our­selves vul­ner­a­ble. But we are good at fix­ing things. We are ca­pa­ble of great en­er­gy, in­ge­nu­ity, and that most im­por­tant qual­i­ty, empathy.

This na­tion, and the larg­er world, long have been bro­ken in ways that have too of­ten gone un­ad­dressed. This is a wake-up call to our eco­nom­ic and health­care in­se­cu­ri­ty. It is a re­minder of why we must work with oth­er na­tions to fix glob­al prob­lems. It is ev­i­dence that com­pe­ten­cy and truth-telling in gov­ern­ment are para­mount for the se­cu­ri­ty of the Unit­ed States. It is a ral­ly­ing cry to strength­en the com­mon bonds of our humanity.

We are be­ing test­ed. In part, it is be­cause we have let our­selves get to this point. That is where we are. We can­not change the past. But we can work our might on the present, and then re­solve to fix our weak­ness­es go­ing forward.

It is easy to blame lead­er­ship. They de­serve the blame they are get­ting. But the rot that led to this mo­ment is more sys­temic. When we emerge from this cri­sis, and we sure­ly will, we must fol­low a path of re­new­al and im­prove­ment of how we struc­ture our so­ci­ety, its econ­o­my, its health, its so­cial oblig­a­tions, and its pol­i­tics. We are see­ing the cost of fail­ure. We have no choice but to forge ahead. And forg­ing into a bet­ter, more just fu­ture, has been the Amer­i­can way. I, for one, con­tin­ue to be­lieve with all my heart, it will be that way yet again.”

Dan Rather, real jour­nal­ist, 14 March 2020


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2020 Ja­son Malm­berg. Fo­tos: Dan Rather in his old job, Trump in his old job, Bernie in his old job, Biden in his old job, Port­land, re­cent picture.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Thu 19 Mar 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

