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ideal economy

Since no one asked but I’m mus­ing on it to­day, here are my very ba­sic be­liefs on the ide­al economy:

I be­lieve very strong­ly in eco­nom­ic poli­cies that fos­ter the growth of a ro­bust mid­dle class with a high stan­dard of liv­ing that can func­tion as a large and ac­tive con­sumer base. I be­lieve the best way to fos­ter a ro­bust mid­dle class is to cre­ate the eco­nom­ic con­di­tions that fos­ter en­tre­pre­neur­ship and tech­no­log­i­cal in­no­va­tion, re­wards small busi­ness, and pro­vides the ba­sic tools for so­cial mo­bil­i­ty (health­care, ed­u­ca­tion, grad­u­at­ed tax­a­tion, etc.). 

Fur­ther­more, I be­lieve that a sys­tem where the means of pro­duc­tion is cen­tral­ized in large corporations/government *out­side of the “com­mand­ing heights” of the econ­o­my* (oil, steel, in­fra­struc­ture, etc is a dif­fer­ent piece of the puz­zle) is con­trary to build­ing a large mid­dle class. I be­lieve this for the fol­low­ing rea­sons (no par­tic­u­lar or­der and only the most com­pelling for me personally):

1.  Small busi­ness cre­ates true mar­ket com­pe­ti­tion en­cour­ag­ing pro­duc­tive in­no­va­tion (cre­ate unique products/experience/outshine com­pe­ti­tion) un­like cor­po­ra­tions who cre­ate “false” com­pe­ti­tion that cre­ates re­duc­tive in­no­va­tion (sell the most for the least).

2.  Small busi­ness re­dis­trib­utes wealth ef­fec­tive­ly in two im­por­tant ways both on the own­er­ship lev­el (more owners=lateral stream vs less owners=upstream) and the work­er lev­el (see point #3). Cor­po­ra­tions con­sol­i­date wealth.

3.  Small busi­ness val­ues la­bor high­er than cor­po­ra­tions be­cause la­bor costs are not based on the rev­enue de­mands of share­hold­ers. They are based on the quan­ti­ta­tive val­ue of la­bor for the busi­ness. (This can be ex­tend­ed to the Marx­ist val­ue of work­er-owned means of pro­duc­tion vs oli­garchic ownership).

So for me, to have a suc­cess­ful thriv­ing econ­o­my go­ing for­ward we need to:

1.  Break up mo­nop­o­lies and re­duce mech­a­nisms that al­low for con­sol­i­da­tion of wealth (every­thing from out­sourc­ing la­bor to tax loop­holes to re­duc­ing fi­nan­cial prod­ucts   yeah, I said it) #feelthe­bern


2.  Pub­lic in­vest­ment in and ac­cess to the tools that al­low for so­cial mo­bil­i­ty. #feelthe­bern

3.  Cre­ate leg­is­la­tion that fos­ters small busi­ness (no more giv­ing the Wal­marts of the world a fat tax break to come in and de­stroy lo­cal busi­ness, no more al­low­ing the Star­bucks of the world to de­stroy com­pe­ti­tion with un­fair preda­to­ry busi­ness prac­tices, and so on) which will re­quire end­ing cor­po­rate po­lit­i­cal in­flu­ence. #feelthe­bern

As for what to do with the *com­mand­ing heights of the econ­o­my* that’s where I take a hard swing Left and my ideas be­come VERY con­tro­ver­sial, so we’ll save that for an­oth­er time. 


*Note* if you want deep­er sup­port for why I be­lieve these things I can give them to you, but this is a der­Tung post and not an aca­d­e­m­ic thesis.

—na­tal­ie michelle

Flom­mist Na­tal­ie Michelle does­n’t have a bio. She just rants. Copy­right © 2016 Na­tal­ie Michelle.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Tue 1 Mar 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

