I’m okay except for my shoulder may be sprained because it’s starting to really hurt. My car is so fucked, my beautiful car that I worked so hard to buy 😭
My awesome friends who have jumped to action to offer me rides and to borrow their vehicles. Ya’ll are the real MVPs ❤.
My neighbors who came by to immediately check on me when they saw my wrecked car, helped me disconnect my trunk light so it wouldn’t kill my battery, and offered me use of their truck.
My incredible father for teaching me how to work on cars so I’m able to get my old car in working order until I get my Nissan fixed (fingers crossed anyways, still working on it, but I just got it to start 🙌 so things are coming up Natalie). He’s also responsible teaching me the other mechanical skills needed for my second back up transportation plan: My motorcycles.
My awesome Mom and Grandmother for providing emotional support and advice, but mostly for letting me bitch to them first thing in the morning.
No one in the accident was severely injured. The second driver who was hit, hurt his back but it wasn’t debilitating, and his teenage son was okay. The driver at fault was shaken but not hurt. My shoulder still hurts but nothing’s damaged. Things could have been much, much worse.
The fact that the woman who hit myself and the other vehicle took ownership of her mistake and claimed fault this morning. So our damages will be covered and this will be less of a hassle. That was very big of her to do and I’m really lucky I was hit by someone with good character.
I’m fortunate enough to have access to the opportunities to make enough money to afford a car and good insurance in the first place. I’m very lucky to have been in an accident where not only am I safe, I’m only minorly inconvenienced. It could have been so much worse. Not everyone is so fortunate and I’m endlessly grateful. This may suck, but overall, I really couldn’t be in a better place considering.
And right now I’m wondering …
Why do kids playing in the distance always sound like someone is being horrifically murdered? Like sheared of their skin and eaten alive horrifically murdered?
—natalie michelle
Flommist Natalie Michelle doesn’t have a bio. She just rants. Copyright © 2017 Natalie Michelle.