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girls who code: stockton

I am so in my feelings.

Last week, I had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to give back to my own City of Stock­ton and speak at a Girls Who Code event.

This is some­thing I’ve want­ed to do for years. I’m hap­py that it hap­pened in the city that raised me. The re­sponse from the staff, stu­dents, and par­ents was amazing.

(Quick shoutout to Bren­da Am­boy for con­nect­ing me with the program.)

Here’s the thing, there is one woman de­vel­op­er for every 19 men who code. Only 1–3% of those women are women of col­or de­pend­ing on the job function.

Plot twist: Many teams are less than 15 peo­ple. As a re­sult, most women in tech do not work on a team with oth­er women who can men­tor them di­rect­ly in their position.

I was lucky to have my moth­er as an ex­am­ple of a woman in tech but most of my men­tors were male. I want to say thank you, Cristi­na Robin­son, for be­ing THE woman who pulled me up with you.

When I in­tro­duce my­self as a de­vel­op­er I’m still told things like,
“Wow, you don’t look like one” or asked ques­tions like
“How did ‘we’ get you in here?” at conferences.

I walk in the door as an ex­cep­tion, not the rule. It is isolating.

My skin has thick­ened over the years but as frus­trat­ing as it may be there’s still so much pow­er in know­ing I can write my own tick­et at the cor­po­rate game.

As women in tech have a re­spon­si­bil­i­ty to run our race re­mem­ber­ing to up­lift more women along the way.

When I look at women like Paty Ven­tu­ra, Lady Chris­t­ian Havens, Leti­cia Cam­paz, Kay­la Ervin, Jes­si­ca Cran­fill, and Vanes­sa Gray I know things are get­ting bet­ter but we have to keep up­lift­ing young women.

I refuse to let my sis­ter or lit­tle cousins walk into con­fer­ences as a to­ken, feel­ing the need to fight for their voice to be heard at the ta­ble, or be un­der­val­ued by cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca re­gard­less of their ed­u­ca­tion or lev­el of experience.

You will know Minion’s work eth­ic be­fore she walks in the door. My sis­ter is 13 she’s learn­ing to pod­cast, owns an on­line neck­lace busi­ness, is learn­ing to blog and find her voice. She is watch­ing me. I didn’t force her to do things, she gets in­spired and asks ques­tions I just send her links to the resources.

Tech and en­tre­pre­neur­ship are the two most em­pow­er­ing skills we can ex­pose girls to be­cause they can start where they are. As long as they have a com­put­er & in­ter­net ac­cess there is an opportunity.

I start­ed cod­ing when I was 12. I got paid to de­sign My­Space sites be­fore I learned to drive.

All this to say if you want your girls to start learn­ing to be their own boss­es start teach­ing them how to code and pair them with mentors.

Teach them young. It’s a tick­et to their independence.

Please join me in the #LiftHer­Chal­lenge

Let the in­dus­try know there is #more­to­come.


—tirzah mon­eè

P.S. Thank you, Paul John­son & La Tre­sa Spears John­son for let­ting me ex­plore any­thing and every­thing I want­ed to do with­out be­ing afraid of the child you have. Lol, I’m not the eas­i­est child to have but hope­ful­ly, you’re proud.

Flom­mist Tirzah Mon­eè is a De­sign­er, De­vel­op­er, Speak­er & En­tre­pre­neur an­a­lyz­ing her world one step at a time. Copy­right © 2018 Tirzah Moneè.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 30 Jul 2018

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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