“Nobody thinks illegal immigration is appropriate, and I happen to think we need comprehensive immigration reform, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for people to be coming across the border illegally, so we’ve got to work now on comprehensive immigration reform.”
—Bernie Sanders
This fucking guy deserves to be left in the dustbin of 2016. And people still eat his shit up because they’ve learned nothing.
BOTH times after Trump’s win, Bernie couldn’t get out there and blame the democrats’ abandonment of the “working class” fast enough. Which is a dog whistle for “you didn’t focus enough on white, blue-collar Americans.”
You know it, I know it.
Anyone who is honest with themselves knows it.
I fucking despise the democrats at this point, but appealing to white blue-collar Americans is dead-ass a huge part of why we are here right now.
There’s nothing that demographic wants more than to see everyone else fail and suffer, even at the cost of their own success.
It really fucking sucks. Bernie was also asked in an interview if there was anything Trump had done right. Nobody worth their salt should even be willing to acknowledge let alone answer that question.
It’s like being asked if Hitler turned out any good paintings.
Like, if I were a politician and I were asked that I would burn that fucking journalist to the ground so goddamn hard.
And bruh.
At this point I don’t give a single shit about “illegal immigration,” especially when compared to literally everything else going on.
Holy fuck. Here we are in the midst of an unmitigated dumpster fire and politicians on all sides still want to appeal to hysteria and xenophobia.
“Illegal immigration” is the number one go-to for immediately distracting people away from all the real problems.
Oh, your mother’s social security benefits are fucked up and she’s not receiving her checks and your father is on an eight month waiting list for a fucking wheelchair from the VA and your transgender daughter’s GA care just stopped being covered and you can’t afford your son’s college tuition and your wife lost her federal job because she’s a woman therefore she was considered a DEI hire and groceries are insanely expensive and the infrastructure in your town is crumbling and the rent on your two bedroom apartment is astronomical? Gosh all that sounds pretty bad but have we mentioned ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in the last five minutes?!
Look out! Psychotic brown people armed to the teeth with their buttholes packed full of illegal drugs are invading your Americana towns to steal your jobs, rape your daughters, sneak into their restrooms, eat your cats, and poison your streets!
Sure, your whole life is shitty but here comes the illegal immigrants to make it even shittier! They and only they must be stopped!
Like, we stole people from another continent to help us build up the infrastructure necessary to kill everyone who was already on this continent and then we have the audacity to tell people they have to come here “legally” which is just a dog whistle for “if you’re brown and poor we don’t want you.”
Aren’t we great?
Most people who cross the border as an undocumented immigrant and get a job here are just trying to get by and they are working some of the shittiest, most thankless, low paying jobs on the planet.
Having been an auditor for almost 12 years I know for a fact that they are not taxing the system nearly as much as these knuckle dragging MAGA assholes yell and scream about.
This fucking country is so ridiculously racist and stupid, goddamn.
The news yesterday is very fun and I am actually enjoying it. Whee.
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2025 Emily Duchaine. Hed via Jim.