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during a pandemic, a soap that’s an aphrodisiac

So I’m batch­ing up some soaps and I think “oh I should make some hand soap with an­tivi­ral properties.”

Now the only two es­sen­tial oils to show viru­cide prop­er­ties on coro­n­avirus­es (not stud­ied on COVID-19, but the soap breaks the lipid bar­ri­er so nbd as this is just me do­ing the most) are thyme and peppermint.

I chose them based on:

1.  They were viru­cides, not just an­tivi­ral agents that dis­rupts vi­ral reproduction.

2.  They tend to work on coronaviruses.

Oregano, like tea tree, eu­ca­lyp­tus, lemon­grass, and oth­ers still have anti-vi­ral prop­er­ties, I just nar­rowed my specifications 🙂.

I’m try­ing to un­der­stand it all. Luck­i­ly I live with some­one ex­pe­ri­enced in bio con­tain­ment and has a strong sci­en­tif­ic background.

Guys, we re­al­ly have to to learn about all this with no lead­er­ship – make sense?

If I can get my hands on lau­rel oil, I make Alep­po soap. Oth­er­wise co­coa but­ter, co­conut oil, shea but­ter – I like mois­tur­iz­ing. I do a lot of clay ad­di­tives as well.

Soapmaking’s like can­ning to me, not a nec­es­sary house­hold chore in the con­sumer econ­o­my but end re­sults well worth the lit­tle ex­tra work.

So I’m like, tight, but then I’m like “oh I should test it on my skin and make sure I like the com­bi­na­tion or I’ll just go with one.”

You know that smell of every yel­low or or­ange col­ored mul­ti-sur­face clean­er, like Mr. Clean or lemon-scent­ed Pine Sol or lemon Fab­u­loso?

That’s what those two es­sen­tial oils smell like to­geth­er (neat to learn where that comes from)

… and that’s what I smell like be­cause I mixed them on my skin like a mo­ron (not neat). It smells very in­tense and is still there long after.

And … my nü soap blend brings all the boys to the yard!


—na­tal­ie michelle

Flom­mist Na­tal­ie Michelle does­n’t have a bio. She just rants. Copy­right © 2020 Na­tal­ie Michelle.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 27 Jul 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

