chunks of flommus

Tue 16 Jun 2020
who in the hell is profascism anyways?
Due to current state of affairs … I am sad to announce that Murder Hornets have been rescheduled for late July maybe early

Mon 15 Jun 2020
monday history moment
So the grid below are the actual flags that represented the Confederacy (1861–65) as a secessionist state: Included are almost a dozen flown

Sun 14 Jun 2020
amongst other prayers,
Please let this moment tip the scales. Please let this moment be the height of any divine purpose or good that

Sun 14 Jun 2020
‘light ’em up!’
“A deeper look into the records of 34 officers who shot unarmed people in 2015 and 2016 shows that more than half

Sat 13 Jun 2020
abolition now – not decades from now
I’m realizing something. People that want the world to be a better place, concede that it has to happen in steps because

Fri 12 Jun 2020
hi friends
In the process of writing and illustrating five children’s books about physical, emotional, and planetary well being – which came into being

Thu 11 Jun 2020
‘stupidity was as necessary as intelligence, and as difficult to attain’
Two mins of Tucker Carlson and he says that all the poison in this country springs from and is rooted in one