chunks of flommus

Tue 30 Mar 2021
zim at 20: today on twitch
“Tuesday, March 30th, join members of the cast and crew from Invader ZIM … as we discuss 20 years of the enduring

Sun 28 Mar 2021
broadway and 19th, sacramento
Dear millennials in the white car at Broadway and 19th, I am terribly sorry that in my vain 4th attempt to get

Sun 28 Mar 2021
to-day’s yard tale
Over the winter I did a lot of research on how to improve the soil in our back yard, which is full

Sat 27 Mar 2021

Fri 26 Mar 2021
emotional support boys
So it’s probably a fair rule that if you were ever my emotional support celebrity, you’re predatory. Cut to me scrolling down

Wed 24 Mar 2021
hey look america is returning to normal
Ahhhhhh fuuuuuuuuck. Everything about this is so bad. Get ready for Sinema to do her little thumbs down sashay in an outfit that

Tue 23 Mar 2021
nervous systems
Saw a TikTok last night that was explaining how neurodivergent people have interest-driven nervous systems while neurotypical people have importance-driven nervous systems