chunks of flommus

Sun 12 Sep 2021
:: exhales and relaxes shoulders ::
“shoutout to everyone that’s also in the liminal space: the transition place where you’re in between the things you left behind and the beautiful places

Sat 11 Sep 2021
someone’s knocking at the doh
“Knock knock.” “Who’s there?” “9/11.” “9/11 who?” “YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER FORGET.”

Fri 10 Sep 2021
never forget me not
Actually had this thought this morning: “What if I just don’t go back to reality? What if I make my own reality

Fri 10 Sep 2021
‘the buck stops here’
“Rather than view the heartbreaking scenes in Afghanistan in a political light as his opponents did, Biden effectively said, ‘Politics be damned

Thu 9 Sep 2021
it’s going to get weird
Some guy just approached me tonight and I’m pretty sure he is my age but he thought I was younger than him. him

Wed 8 Sep 2021
auto service
overheard: “… this guy totally has a horror fridge in an abandoned house somewhere …” location: auto mechanic waiting room subject: 1998 bmw sedan The

Mon 6 Sep 2021
a message brought to you by an influencer influencing with ambiguous messages
This is taking me forever to finish. Mostly because I’m bored out of my mind with my own work. Not excited about it