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  chunks of flommus 


took a charter flight on a dc-10 to London,

land­ed at Heathrow.
Took a cab to the city center.
Don’t let peo­ple lie to you, hos­tels are for the ugly.
I’m stay­ing at Home House, the most beau­ti­ful hotel.
Called a friend from school who was sell­ing hash,
but she was­n’t in. Met a cou­ple of Brits
who take me to of all places, Cam­den Street.
I flirt a bit at the Vir­gin Mega­s­tore, buy some CDs,
then fol­low some girls with pink hair.
I wan­dered around try­ing to get laid un­til it start­ed to rain,
then went back to Home House. “Min­istry of Sound” is dead,
so I go to “Rem Fo­rum,” but it’s “Gay Night.”
I find one het­ero girl and we dry-hump on the dance floor.
We cab it back to Home House, I strip her clothes off
suck her toes and we fuck. Hung out for four or five days,
met the world’s biggest DJ, Paul Oakenfold.
Kept miss­ing the Chang­ing of the Guards.
Wrote my mom a post­card I nev­er sent, bought speed
from an Ital­ian junkie try­ing to sell me a stolen bike.
Smoked a lot of hash that had too much to­bac­co in it.
Saw the Tate. Saw Big Ben.
Ate a lot of weird Eng­lish food. It rained a lot.
It was ex­pen­sive and I’m jonesing – split for Amsterdam.
The Dutch all know Eng­lish so I did­n’t have to speak Dutch,
which was a re­lief. I cruise the red light district,
vis­it a sex show, vis­it a sex museum,
smoke a lot of hash. I meet a Dutch TV actress
and we drink ab­sinthe at a bar called “Ab­sinthe.”
The mu­se­ums were cool. Lots of Van Goghs
and the Ver­meers were in­tense. Wan­dered around,
bought a lot of pas­tries, ate some in­tense waffles.
Bought some coke and I cruised the red light district
I found some blonde with big tits that re­minds me of Lara.
I gave her 100 guilders. In the end, she pulls me out,
I come be­tween her tits even though I’m wear­ing a rubber.
We made small talk about AIDS, her Mo­roc­can pimp and herself.
I wake to the sound of a wino singing.
It’s 8:00 a.m. and hot as blazes.
I pre­tend to ice-skate around Cen­tral Station.
Trade songs with a Kiwi girl, then split for Paris
Wan­dered the Champs-El­y­sees, climbed the Eif­fel Tower
for only sev­en francs – the tick­et ma­chine was broken.
Got the hang of the Metro, took it everywhere.
Ford mod­el par­ty, hooked up with a mod­el named Karina.
She chugs my cock at the Mar­riott, which is good.
Played bil­liards, went shop­ping I think she gave me mono.
Drove a Fer­rari that be­longed to the Sau­di roy­al family.
Made out with a Dutch mod­el in front of the Louvre.
Saw the Arc de Tri­om­phe – al­most be­came road kill.
“Oakie” in­vites me to Dublin, I catch an Aer Lin­gus flight,
stay at the Mor­ri­son – Dublin rocks like you can’t imagine.
Oak­en­fold lets me spin some discs with him.
Irish girls are small as leprechauns.
I swap hick­eys with a drunk woman af­ter grop­ing my abs
and call­ing me “Mr.LA.” She strips for me
in the bath­room of the club. Sneak into the Guin­ness factory
and steal some stout so good my dick goes hard.
I fly to Barcelona which is a bust.
Too many fat Amer­i­can stu­dents, too many lame meat markets.
I dropped acid at the Sagra­da Familia,
which was a trip, to say the least.
Cruise up the coast to Museo Gala Dali,
but had no more acid, which sucked.
Some girl from Cana­da calls me on my cell,
so I let her lis­ten to the church bells.
Can­ta Cruz is beau­ti­ful but there are no girls there,
just old hip­pies. So I went to Switzerland
where, iron­i­cal­ly, I could­n’t find any­one with the time.
Took Glac­i­er Ex­press to Shiltone
which is beau­ti­ful in a way I can’t describe.
Eu­roPass into Italy, end­ed up in Venice,
met a hot girl who looks like Rachel Leigh Cook,
and speaks bet­ter Eng­lish than I do.
She’s liv­ing for a year on only $5.00 a day.
We gon­do­la around, buy hash. She thinks I’m a capitalist –
my room costs more for one night than her en­tire trip.
She does­n’t mind much when I pay the bills. I ditch her
and hook up with a cou­ple who ob­vi­ous­ly want a threesome.
Much ten­sion, but the doo­fus of­fers to dri­ve me to Rome,
an of­fer I jump at. Traf­fic’s bad, we’re stopped for hours.
The wife’s a freak. The guy wigs out on me.
It’s like a Polan­s­ki film. We stop in Florence,
where I see some big dome. A bomb goes off
I lose the weird cou­ple, which is prob­a­bly for the best.
End­ed up in Rome, which is big and hot and dirty.
Just like LA, but with ru­ins. I went to the Vatican,
which is ridicu­lous­ly op­u­lent. Stood for two hours
to get into the Sis­tine Chapel, which now cleaned, looks fake.
I meet two un­der­age Ital­ian girls who I try to talk
into fuck­ing each oth­er while I jack off onto them.
Bored, I buy them some ice cream instead.
My ho­tel has a gym, so I work out.
I bump into some guy from Cam­den who says he knows me,
but I’m sure that he’s a fag, so I lose him.
I try to fart and in­stead shit my pants.
In my room I mas­tur­bate and have a pain in my groin.
I dream about a beau­ti­ful girl, half in water,
stretch­ing her lean body. She asks me if I like it.
I tell her she can clean fish with it.
I don’t know what it means, but I wake well-rested,
mas­tur­bate in the show­er, and check out.
Make my way back to Lon­don, hang out in Pic­cadil­ly Circus.
Swap shirts with some up­per-crusty Cam­bridge chick.
Hers was an Agnes B.; mine, it cost me my Chanel.
She acts stuffy and prud­ish, but is re­al­ly wild underneath.
She bare­ly looks at my abs, though she wants to.
The next day I drop acid and get lost in the subway
for a full day and can’t find my way out.
I meet a cute girl that lets me jack off onto her
as long as no come gets onto her Paul Smith coat.
We get stoned while lis­ten­ing to Michael Jack­son records.
The next morn­ing, I wake up talk­ing to myself.
I had a big bump on my head from flail­ing in my sleep.
I get my stuff and bare­ly make my plane
back to the Unit­ed States. I no longer know who I am
and I feel like the ghost of a to­tal stranger.
So then I end­ed up back here.

Right now I am en­joy­ing some CheeTohs. 

With dogs.


—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2017 Ja­son Malm­berg. Sorta.

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 16 Oct 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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