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boys will be boys

Women are vic­tims. We are vic­tims to a so­ci­ety that doesn’t care about our ba­sic hu­mans rights or our rights to jus­tice when wrongs are done upon us. 

We are in a so­ci­ety where sta­tis­ti­cal­ly near­ly 1 in 5 women are raped. 

And those are re­port­ed sta­tis­tics, be­cause when we see an­oth­er woman strong enough to speak up, will­ing to take that chance for jus­tice in hopes the right thing will be done, it of­ten isn’t.

She’s told she shouldn’t have been drinking.
She’s told her out­fit was too re­veal­ing as if we should be shamed for man­ag­ing to ap­peal to mens pri­mal na­ture, as if they shouldn’t and can’t help them­selves and as if they just don’t know better. 

Be­cause ‘boys will be boys’ right? Be­cause it’s not as if the me­dia glo­ri­fies sex and is con­stant­ly re­veal­ing the fe­male body as a sex­u­al ob­ject anyway … 

So many women si­lence their voic­es and don’t ever speak up, in fear of fac­ing the same in­jus­tices that oth­ers have been forced to face – see­ing their rapists with only a short jail sen­tence, and some­times not even that much. 

What hap­pened to women be­ing drugged and raped be­ing a crime? 

Why are we re­ward­ing men who rape and al­low­ing the priv­i­lege of a short jail sen­tence or sim­ply hav­ing to reg­is­ter as a sex offender? 

Why are we not do­ing any­thing as a so­ci­ety to en­sure the safe­ty of our women? 

From women walk­ing down the street mind­ing their own busi­ness be­ing cat­called then be­ing called whores and sluts when not ap­pre­ci­at­ing it, hav­ing to fear for their lives if they re­ject the wrong man.

And even if he does­nt hurt her phys­i­cal­ly, say­ing “what­ev­er, you’re an ugly bitch any­way.”

Why have we iso­lat­ed women and forced them into si­lence for want­i­ng to be seen and treat­ed like hu­mans in­stead of a sex­u­al ob­ject only ex­ist­ing for male grat­i­fi­ca­tion, for male pleasure? 

It’s be­cause as a so­ci­ety we’ve turned a blind eye to it. We all have al­lowed women to be iso­lat­ed be­cause no one will speak up and stand for what is right, so jus­tice doesn’t work. These crimes con­tin­ue to hap­pen, be­cause peo­ple stand by and do nothing.

Though that is true, i nev­er saw my­self as a vic­tim un­til I be­came part of the sta­tis­tic myself. 

Chang­ing your men­tal­i­ty is not al­ways enough – es­pe­cial­ly when you have to be raised in such a way that you need to al­ways be in fear just be­cause of your gender. 

To be afraid to be alone.
To not have cer­tain things be­cause you’re a woman.
To not be out alone at night.
To al­ways be nice to men – be­cause if not, they may rape or may kill you if you just aren’t interested …

I also wrote this a while ago – and noth­ing has changed.

—lexy nicole

Flom­mist Lexy Nicole is a mod­el, mu­si­cian, and writer. Copy­right © 201619 Lexy Nicole. Pic­tured: Os­mar Schindler, Mus­cles (cropped), 1907, source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 20 Sep 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

