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alternative american carnage

I hate to triv­i­al­ize things this way so for­give me but I have to get this out be­cause that’s how my head works: 

All the Trump peo­ple, all the “give him a chance” peo­ple, all the “why you protest, that’s dumb” peo­ple are with­out ex­cep­tion the same peo­ple that get into movies, bands, shows, records, cloth­ing styles, hair­styles, food trends, etc. – 

years af­ter every­one else does.


Such dis­re­spect for the Of­fice of President! 

You’d nev­er see Re­pub­li­cans protest in the streets. They do their protest­ing in the dark of night.

Noth­ing in life is free.” —Chad on his dad’s boat (his dad to­tal­ly owns a dealership)

If you think for a sec­ond a few vi­o­lent pro­test­ers break­ing win­dows makes us some­how even for your rapist racist trai­tor dem­a­gogue gut­ting our in­sti­tu­tions then fuck you and your sub­ur­ban ass.


Tak­ing people’s health­care away is violence. 

De­stroy­ing their en­vi­ron­ment, their wa­ter and their way of life is violence. 

That’s more im­por­tant than a few smashed win­dows but I wouldn’t ex­pect your plateaud-in-the-11th-grade ass to get that.

Ap­par­ent­ly God is like su­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­u­per­flex­i­ble about what you do just so long as you hate tax­es and homos.


Kellyanne Con­way:
Press sec­re­tary Sean Spicer gave “al­ter­na­tive facts.”

Chuck Todd:
“Al­ter­na­tive facts are not facts. They’re falsehoods.”


This is cer­tain­ly what a 2nd place TV tal­ent show win­ner sounds like.


THIS was no small thing: 40,000 few­er home­own­ers.

But I guess rent­ing is one of those things that Made Amer­i­ca Great?

Look man. I’m not proud of this but this is what it is.

A lot of straight white peo­ple will try to make you chill over shit that ad­verse­ly af­fects you be­cause they just want you to shut up.

They won’t think they are be­ing racist/sexist/homophobic/whathaveyou but they just want things to go back to normal.

Thing is they want it to go back to THEIR nor­mal. A nor­mal that doesn’t in­clude you.

And I’m telling you this from the in­side be­cause I’m pret­ty sure I’ve done that in the past. I’m not proud of it and I apol­o­gize for it and I will do what I can to help lift the load past that. 

But if you want to know what it is, that’s what it is.


But dude. You shouldn’t re­spond to Nazis with vi­o­lence. That’s not po­lite. You should al­low them to hatch their plans, ex­ter­mi­nate mil­lions of peo­ple and then make sad movies about it decades lat­er. That’s the po­lite way to han­dle it.

This ain’t the old days, Nazis.
We’re not wait­ing around meek­ly for you to hatch your plans.

Be­ing a neo-nazi *is in it­self an act of violence*

While I wel­come them to re­nounce their views and change, every sec­ond they are a Nazi is a sec­ond they in­vite re­tal­i­a­tion, phys­i­cal even.


And WOMEN to the res­cue! (again)

The ques­tion isn’t why a man is a feminist.
The ques­tion is what kind of man isn’t.

All the best peo­ple are feminists.


I was heart­ened to see so many sons and daugh­ters at the ral­ly this weekend. 

Fu­ture lead­ers are go­ing to come from kids that marched with us. And at ages in the sin­gle dig­its they are al­ready miles more tol­er­ant and so­phis­ti­cat­ed than many of the adults in DC

That gives me hope. Raise your chil­dren to be eth­i­cal. That’s how we change the world.


Largest protest in US history!
Fuck you Trumpists.
You’re garbage and we’re com­ing for you.

ON SAT­UR­DAY the “peo­ple have spo­ken,” all over the world.
We out­num­ber your ig­no­rant ass­es and we’re mo­bi­liz­ing to shut you down. 

This shit ain’t even sort of over.





Real men and their shi­htzus stand with women.

—ja­son malmberg

Flom­mist Ja­son Malm­berg is a sim­ple man who be­lieves in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art some­times. Copy­right © 2017 Ja­son Malm­berg. Top foto by Alex Weller­stein, via Bo­ing Bo­ing. Ad­di­tion­al fo­tos by flom­mists Ja­son, Am­ber, Hedie, Lau­rie + some stuff from some ‘fake news’ sites, such as NBC or CNN, the Beeb or something.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 23 Jan 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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