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a real movement for our lives

i feel dis­as­so­ci­a­tion. I’m not re­lat­ing to the march, re­gard­less of the fact that we need in­tel­li­gent gun control. 

I look at pics and I’m more tak­en with the so­cial-tech­no­log­i­cal phe­nom­e­na that could make or­ga­ni­za­tion on this mass scale pos­si­ble than I am with the cause; with what makes an is­sue pop­u­lar; with the al­go­rithms that capture/mold people’s at­ten­tion to­ward a sin­gle trend­ing is­sue and then cast them to­geth­er on streets around the na­tion, only to ad­dress a prob­lem that com­pris­es a heart­break­ing but al­most neg­li­gi­ble frac­tion of the ill­ness upon this era of hu­man history. 

Most know my cause is what we eat, which is in­ti­mate­ly re­lat­ed to more press­ing, but less pop­u­lar is­sues (be­cause they re­quire per­son­al change) like de­te­ri­o­rat­ing health and dwin­dling sources of wa­ter and en­er­gy, in­creas­es in world hunger, pol­lu­tion, and po­ten­tial­ly wide­spread and un­stop­pable fa­tal virus­es emerg­ing from an­i­mal agri­cul­ture, all of which re­late to hu­man phys­i­cal-men­tal-spir­i­tu­al health and dis­po­si­tion, phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, and the mass over­med­ica­tion of 75% of Amer­i­cans, re­lat­ed to gun vi­o­lence, re­lat­ed to the ego-cen­trist cul­ture that dri­ves every­thing above. 

I saw many kids hold­ing the same sign: “Am I next?” Prob­a­bly not, as a vic­tim of gun vi­o­lence, but sta­tis­ti­cal­ly like­ly as a vic­tim of a pre­ventable chron­ic dis­ease which of­ten ren­ders an oth­er­wise ca­pa­ble agent of change into a slave to cor­rupt systems. 

My fore­most thought – if every speck of a hu­man in the aer­i­al pic­tures of Saturday’s crowds was a tiny light, and if every tiny light lit up by rad­i­cal­ly chang­ing their own con­duct as a con­sumer in­stead of beg­ging some­thing out­side of them­selves – a cor­rupt gov­ern­ment – for re­form, any kind of re­form on any giv­en is­sue, we’d blaze a ra­di­ance so bright it would knock the dark­ness off the map and trans­form this nation’s every­day at­mos­phere from a cul­ture of death to a cul­ture of life so fast the whole plan­et might tilt off its cur­rent axis of evil.

And only then would we ac­tu­al­ly have a real move­ment For Our Lives.

Ughh, maybe we should just kill our­selves,” my friend joked. 

For that, we’ll need guns. 

Teach kids to em­body the change we ask for.


—ruby roth

Flom­mist Ruby Roth is an artist, de­sign­er, cre­ative strate­gist, and the au­thor-il­lus­tra­tor of four lead­ing books for kids. Her work has been fea­tured on To­day, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC News, and oth­er ma­jor me­dia out­lets. Copy­right © 2018 Ruby Roth.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 28 Mar 2018

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

