Sleeping Giants is currently publishing the list of contractors profiting off the border separation policy.
They are providing proof of their claims (including the details of the awards contracts), contact information, and instructions on contacting these companies. Many of these organizations are defense and B2B contractors, so we can’t lead a consumer boycott BUT we can put pressure on them (and keep the receipts). If you are looking for some way to act beyond contacting your representatives and donating to organizations like RAICES, this is another avenue to pursue.
These companies are disgusting for making money off of a human rights violation. They need to know that we know who they are and we are not going to let them sleep comfortably at night.
You can follow Sleeping Giants on Twitter here:
—natalie michelle
Flommist Natalie Michelle doesn’t have a bio. She just rants. Copyright © 2018 Natalie Michelle.