I had just moved to the Hilo side of the Big Island of Hawaii two months prior.
My dad would get up really early in the morning and drive all the way over to the Kona side to work as a foreman for a construction company. He heard the news on the radio and his boss called and told him to turn around and go home. On his way home, he called my mom and told her to turn on the TV.
Because there was a six hour time difference, it was already over. All of it. We’d slept through the whole thing. I kept watching the planes hit over and over. Classes were cancelled that day.
Our house started shaking and we could hear helicopters overhead. I ran outside to see several black hawks fly past. There was a destroyer and an aircraft carrier off the coast in the distance.
We went to Walmart because we needed some shit and it was the only place that was open. Everyone was aimlessly walking around like a zombie. Nobody was saying anything. Just looking at one another, then looking away, sometimes with a sigh.
Since there was nothing else to do, we went to the beach that day. Better than sitting home watching the same footage for hours.
I held onto my boogie board and let the waves rock me, and looked out at the horizon.
—emily duchaine
Flommist Emily Duchaine lives in the Pacific Northwest. She likes to drink mead, learn about sharks, and listen to the Talking Heads. She pretends to be a professional businesswoman most days. Copyright © 2019 Emily Duchaine.