“We are family. I got all my traitors with me”
—Paul Ryan
I really don’t need another psychosocialogical study about inane tribalism and the need for shared realities about Republicans that just flat out plainly simply refuse to believe valid facts.
All this handwring-gilding to tart up the fact that they are simply deeply stupid irrational brainwashed people. It has the unintended effect of attempting to legitimize that which by its very nature is illegitimate.
Right now, dude’s in line discussing the practicalities of blowing up a suspension bridge.
Sure. Why not?
a GREAT post from a discussion online:
“Simply put, the Republicans will NEVER vote to impeach Trump if they think there’s any way, AT ALL, they can avoid it.
“They KNOW what he’s done, they don’t CARE. As long as he’s there to keep advancing their agenda, signing their bills, nominating ultraconservatives to the court, dismantling regulations, ect., they don’t care what else he does.
“Deep down, the strategists in the GOP know that they are fighting a losing war in the long term, as demographics and changing public opinion turn against them, this current Administration may be their last chance for a generation to enact a lot of the changes damage they want to do.
“Impeachment, even to get Pence, would be a sign of weakness and failure, and point to their own complicity in letting it get that bad, and turn the rabid Trumpers against them.
“The only way they’ll EVER support impeachment is if somehow the political calculus changed that they think that they will only be able to save their own skins and own agenda by throwing Trump under the bus, that he becomes such an albatross that they are afraid of being voted out en-masse and a sweeping public rebuke of their entire agenda at the ballot box.
“Party before country, they’ll let him get away with treason and blatant abuse of power and a thousand other obvious offenses that they would have impeached Hillary Clinton at the first vague hint of, all if they think it will advance their political agenda.
“/Scum, every one of them.
//Traitors, every one of them.
//Enemies of the Republic, every one of them.”
—jason malmberg
Flommist Jason Malmberg is a simple man who believes in brown liquor and small dogs. He also makes art sometimes. Copyright © 2017 Jason Malmberg.