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the hole and the helping hand

There is a slow but very pow­er­ful shift hap­pen­ing in our so­ci­ety right now, one that can­not be ig­nored. Karl Marx is known for hav­ing said (or more apt­ly de­scribed as writ­ten) “A spec­tre is haunt­ing Eu­rope – the spec­tre of com­mu­nism.” In mod­ern times we have a much more com­mand­ing spec­tre haunt­ing the world and that is the spec­tre of sense­less violence.

One can eas­i­ly ar­gue that the vi­o­lence we see in our mod­ern times is noth­ing more than a wound that has nev­er stopped fes­ter­ing. We look at these bru­tal out­bursts as noth­ing more than the hu­man con­di­tion seek­ing refuge in the de­sire for pow­er. I find that per­spec­tive to be in­ac­cu­rate and frankly, an ex­cuse to not find a cure for the con­tu­sion itself.

In the 14th cen­tu­ry, we be­gan to val­ue in­tel­lec­tu­al de­vel­op­ment and bet­ter­ment of hu­mans as a whole – and this last­ed un­til the 17th cen­tu­ry. Why have we not pur­sued these goals fur­ther? Why is it we have got­ten to the point where it is eas­i­er to sim­ply crush the weak un­der foot then to pro­vide them a help­ing hand?

In an­cient times, men were re­mem­bered for great acts of vi­o­lence and brawn where they con­quered some great foe through com­bat. Doesn’t it seem a bit derelict that we praise peo­ple to this very day for the same acts – when we live in a sys­tem that could just as eas­i­ly han­dle it through ver­bal dis­course? Have we not evolved to the point where vi­o­lent ac­tions can be seen as no more than brutish and ado­les­cent outbursts? 

We need to re­struc­ture our­selves – and specif­i­cal­ly, our ed­u­ca­tion – to no longer al­low vi­o­lence as an op­tion. Ed­u­cat­ing the en­tire world is a near im­pos­si­ble task – and even try­ing to make such a thing real would take gen­er­a­tions of hard work and the agree­ment of all par­ties in­volved. If the ide­al­ist and hu­man­ist in­side of all of us de­cid­ed to take prece­dence, at least we could get clos­er to that re­al­i­ty. I am very much tired of the phil­an­thropist and char­i­ta­ble soul be­ing the one that dies in a lone­ly grave as a dis­tant mem­o­ry in the heads of those they have helped.

Those that are at their low­est or in points of life are stuck in a hole just deep enough where es­cape is only pos­si­ble with the length of a help­ing hand. Those that are not at that point are on the sur­face walk­ing past look­ing down at the hole, be­ing se­lec­tive about who they de­cide to help. Wouldn’t it be eas­i­er if we all stopped for a mo­ment, reached down and pulled those peo­ple out? To stop walk­ing past with noth­ing but self­ish am­bi­tion and a need for pow­er? Is it be­cause, more than like­ly, you will fall into your very own hole too?

Maybe I am just ram­bling, but I feel the need to say some­thing even if it is on a small fo­rum that will even­tu­al­ly end up lost in the depths of the In­ter­net. I just hope for the days when vi­o­lence and pre­his­toric am­bi­tion is seen as pa­thet­ic, and the help­ing hand is seen as the true power.

—lo­gan shepard

Flom­mist Lo­gan Shep­ard is a philoso­pher at heart, an artist in spir­it, and a dic­ta­tor in thought. You can think of him like a mod­ern Dio­genes sans the whole be­ing home­less thing. Copy­right © 2015 Lo­gan Shepard.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 22 Nov 2015

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

