There is a slow but very powerful shift happening in our society right now, one that cannot be ignored. Karl Marx is known for having said (or more aptly described as written) “A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of communism.” In modern times we have a much more commanding spectre haunting the world and that is the spectre of senseless violence.
One can easily argue that the violence we see in our modern times is nothing more than a wound that has never stopped festering. We look at these brutal outbursts as nothing more than the human condition seeking refuge in the desire for power. I find that perspective to be inaccurate and frankly, an excuse to not find a cure for the contusion itself.
In the 14th century, we began to value intellectual development and betterment of humans as a whole – and this lasted until the 17th century. Why have we not pursued these goals further? Why is it we have gotten to the point where it is easier to simply crush the weak under foot then to provide them a helping hand?
In ancient times, men were remembered for great acts of violence and brawn where they conquered some great foe through combat. Doesn’t it seem a bit derelict that we praise people to this very day for the same acts – when we live in a system that could just as easily handle it through verbal discourse? Have we not evolved to the point where violent actions can be seen as no more than brutish and adolescent outbursts?
We need to restructure ourselves – and specifically, our education – to no longer allow violence as an option. Educating the entire world is a near impossible task – and even trying to make such a thing real would take generations of hard work and the agreement of all parties involved. If the idealist and humanist inside of all of us decided to take precedence, at least we could get closer to that reality. I am very much tired of the philanthropist and charitable soul being the one that dies in a lonely grave as a distant memory in the heads of those they have helped.
Those that are at their lowest or in points of life are stuck in a hole just deep enough where escape is only possible with the length of a helping hand. Those that are not at that point are on the surface walking past looking down at the hole, being selective about who they decide to help. Wouldn’t it be easier if we all stopped for a moment, reached down and pulled those people out? To stop walking past with nothing but selfish ambition and a need for power? Is it because, more than likely, you will fall into your very own hole too?
Maybe I am just rambling, but I feel the need to say something even if it is on a small forum that will eventually end up lost in the depths of the Internet. I just hope for the days when violence and prehistoric ambition is seen as pathetic, and the helping hand is seen as the true power.
—logan shepard
Flommist Logan Shepard is a philosopher at heart, an artist in spirit, and a dictator in thought. You can think of him like a modern Diogenes sans the whole being homeless thing. Copyright © 2015 Logan Shepard.