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the buck stops here’

Rather than view the heart­break­ing scenes in Afghanistan in a po­lit­i­cal light as his op­po­nents did, Biden ef­fec­tive­ly said, ‘Pol­i­tics be damned – we’re go­ing to do what’s right’ and or­dered his team to stick with the dead­line and find a way to make the best of the dif­fi­cult sit­u­a­tion in Kabul.”
David Rothkopf for The Atlantic

On the oth­er side of the naysay­ing and arm­chair quar­ter­back­ing by the many dilet­tantes from the NYC/DC echo chamber, 

and across this country, 

we have a true leader, strong enough, moral enough, who did the bet­ter thing, dif­fi­cult thing, get­ting our fi­as­co in Afghanistan course-corrected.

It was a sce­nario that was al­ways dubious, 

at best,

heinous in many ways, and a fol­ly of the war hawks and mil­i­tary con­trac­tors who mon­e­tar­i­ly and po­lit­i­cal­ly prof­it­ed through­out the 20 years of chaos.

This has not been a game of chess but Jen­ga, with play­ers re­mov­ing blocks from the stack hop­ing they wouldn’t be the one to do the in­evitable and bring every­thing clat­ter­ing down.”
David Rothkopf for The Dai­ly Beast

—Trail­er for Net­flix’ War Ma­chine (2017), fic­tion based on the ab­surd reality

Pres­i­dent Biden’s pre­de­ces­sors dragged us into and sub­orned an ill-ad­vised ex­tend­ed ‘stay’ in this ab­surd scheme for their po­lit­i­cal con­ve­niences and cronyism’s succor. 


we’ve been led out of that morass as ugly as our ex­trac­tion was in­evitably to be.

For all of the crit­i­cism Mr. Biden has re­ceived for the Afghan with­draw­al, the Amer­i­can pub­lic still sup­port­ed it.”

It’s sober­ing,

but in our post-45 hang­over, turns out re­spon­si­bil­i­ty is some­thing we still can do.


—eric ward

Flom­mist Eric Ward is a Hu­man Los An­geli­no (there are oth­er kinds), hu­man­ist, artist, in­dus­tri­al and graph­ic de­sign­er, nov­el­ist, toy in­ven­tor and en­tre­pre­neur. Life-long pur­suit is “What to do with a piece of pa­per?” Copy­right © 2021 Eric Ward. Hed quote orig­i­nal source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 10 Sep 2021

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

