so I literally think about how if I could just make like $40K/yr (based on where I live) and never work again, I’d be beyond stoked – I’d need $2M dollars to live comfortably as fuck for the next 50 years. Even if I pushed it and was like $100K, live in luxury, that’s $5M.
What do you need with the $955M more dollars?
I have never ever ever ever ever ever ever understood this.
I had enough money to never work again, you would literally find me on a boat along the equator drinking cocktails made with tropical fruits and taking in the sun.
That is it. That is all I would do. The only activity from now until the grave.
I wouldn’t be trying to be educational secretary or running a pedophile ring or fighting anti-climate change legislation, I would live my life drunk and tanning.
I would drink my cocktails with tropical fruits and anything leftover, poor folks can have so they too can enjoy cocktails and sunshine.
No other things. Period.
Why when you are rich would you want to do anything but live a life of leisure outdoors? It makes no sense what so ever to me.
—natalie michelle
Flommist Natalie Michelle doesn’t have a bio. She just rants. Copyright © 2019 Natalie Michelle. Hed stolen from Brian Huck.