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sacramento: which side of history will you be on?

Don’t think march­es mat­ter? Think block­ing traf­fic to protest in­jus­tice is wrong? Think the world isn’t watching?”
—Erik Han­son

[This] protest is to show the same dai­ly in­con­ve­niences that hap­pen to blacks (specif­i­cal­ly blacks) every­day. They do not have the priv­i­lege of tak­ing an­oth­er route to work, school, day­care. They have to live with po­lice pulling them over and caus­ing an in­con­ve­nience to their lives everyday.”
—Lau­ra Marie Anthony

You’re right. An un­armed black man get­ting shot 20 times in his own back­yard is stu­pid. The po­lice that MUR­DERED him be­ing put on paid leave is stu­pid as fuck. You com­ing on this post to try and shame peo­ple stand­ing up for jus­tice is stu­pid. It’s a free­way. Peo­ple will be a lit­tle late home. Stephon Clark is nev­er com­ing home. You’re a moth­er. Shame on you.”
—An­dru Defeye

The pro­test­ers that took to the streets and shut the free­way down have far more in com­mon with our found­ing fa­thers that you claim to love so much than you jerk­ing off oth­er fat dads at the shoot­ing range up in Ro­seville do.
(Side note: it’s not fat sham­ing when cou­pled with the word ‘Dad’ and placed in the con­text of a shoot­ing range with oth­er right wing sub­ur­ban­ites. It’s a spe­cif­ic ar­che­type where all the de­tails but­tress what a pa­thet­ic crea­ture he is.)”
—Ja­son Malmberg

I bet­ter not see any Mar­tin Luther King Jr quotes on the time­lines of peo­ple com­plain­ing about the protest. I swear.”
—Sarah Marie Hawkins

Again, been say­ing for the 14 years I’ve lived here: The Sacra­men­to re­gion has a lot of racist, big­ot­ed, good old boy with a gun to stick it to every­one, tea par­ty gone worse ass­holes that are the com­plete op­po­site of what Cal­i­for­nia and what used to be Amer­i­ca stands for. I’ve seen ex­am­ples of it for years, and ever since the Russ­ian takeover of our coun­try, it’s got­ten even worse be­cause of the racist pup­pet they have pre­tend­ing to be in charge.

Read­ing the re­ac­tions and com­ments about the #stephonclark mur­der just ce­ment that fact over and over again. Yes, we have our civic-mind­ed, reg­u­lar peo­ple with com­mon sense and de­cen­cy in this re­gion, but it’s not like this is the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area or any­thing like that. Peo­ple need to drop that mis­con­cep­tion im­me­di­ate­ly, be­cause that’s not what this In­land part of Cal­i­for­nia is. 

This is Trump coun­try. This is racist and big­ot country. 

And Sacra­men­to, you’re let­ting your racist col­ors shine right now. And I couldn’t be more dis­gust­ed or dis­ap­point­ed. It’s just sad that this doesn’t sur­prise me at all.


—kim­ber­ly a. morales

Flom­mist Kim­ber­ly A. Morales is a food and well­ness blog­ger, and pa­tron saint of cats. Copy­right © 2018 Kim­ber­ly A. Morales. Names in com­ments were not blocked be­cause these ex­am­ples were orig­i­nal­ly post­ed and re­post­ed pub­li­cal­ly, source. Some of the above quotes were in re­sponse to sim­i­lar post­ings on Face­book and oth­er mes­sage boards.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 23 Mar 2018

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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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