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it’s broken on purpose

Trump could shoot BLM in the mid­dle of Fifth Av­enue and there are still left­ists who wouldn’t vote for Biden. SMH.”
—Don But­ton

If every­one who shows up to protest shows up to vote, we might just win this. Might.”
steve mehal­lo


It’s re­al­ly easy for peo­ple out­side of this coun­try to con­de­scend­ing­ly yell

are you crazy for do­ing any­thing but vot­ing for Biden?!”

You got­ta re­al­ize that in­side this coun­try, we’ve been told the stakes are this high for every pres­i­den­tial elec­tion for decades.

You also have to re­al­ize that, per­son­al­ly, I don’t think that was even melodramatic.

The water’s been slow­ly get­ting hot­ter and hot­ter for a very long time.

How­ev­er, what al­ways hap­pens, is that we act like elect­ing some­one who will turn the burn­er off is too ex­treme at this par­tic­u­lar mo­ment, and we need to elect some­one that will stop turn­ing the heat up for now, and next time, we will elect some­one who will turn the burn­er off.

And what hap­pens, for decades now, is that no­body so much as eas­es the heat, even in that sec­ond pre­cious term where there’s lit­er­al­ly noth­ing to lose, un­til we get back to some­one that will turn the heat up just a li­i­i­i­it­tle faster than dude before.

And the par­ty open­ly sab­o­taged the cam­paign of the guy who was most­ly like­ly to just turn the god damn stove off.

I don’t know what I’m go­ing to do.

I didn’t know in 2016, but I end­ed up vot­ing for Hillary, who then won the pop­u­lar vote and didn’t be­come president.

I re­mem­ber Penn­syl­va­nia com­ing down to a small num­ber of votes, and then lib­er­als be­ing livid that PA didn’t have lib­er­al turnout, why didn’t just enough peo­ple suck it up, even though their can­di­date won the fuck­ing elec­tion by a mil­lion fuck­ing votes.

My point is: Amer­i­ca is re­al­ly fuck­ing bro­ken, on pur­pose, by de­sign, and blam­ing in­di­vid­u­als for say­ing so, and not be­ing com­plete­ly cer­tain im­me­di­ate­ly what the right thing to do is when all so­cial­ly ac­cept­able roads lead to fas­cism, one’s just scenic, is trash.


—mel­ony ppenosyne

Flom­mist Mel­ony Ppenosyne is a writer and weird artist type. In the last year alone, she’s trav­eled to Vir­ginia as a com­pet­ing poet, co-writ­ten a play on men­tal ill­ness that is present­ly be­ing pro­duced, and craft­ed a pub­lished es­say check­ing the priv­i­lege and scope of art gal­leries. Copy­right © 2020 Mel­ony Ppenosyne. Top ‘Ger­ry-Man­der’ im­age source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 31 Aug 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

