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the most dangerous organization in human history’ –chomsky

Let’s take the Rus­sia busi­ness. Let’s say all the claims are true. Sup­pose Rus­sia tried to in­ter­fere in the Amer­i­can elec­tions. That ought to make peo­ple laugh hys­ter­i­cal­ly. There is huge in­ter­fer­ence in Amer­i­can elec­tions. It comes from the cor­po­rate sec­tor. They prac­ti­cal­ly buy the elec­tions. In fact, there is ex­ten­sive work in main­stream aca­d­e­m­ic po­lit­i­cal sci­ence that demon­strates very con­vinc­ing­ly that you can pre­dict the elec­tabil­i­ty, hence large­ly the votes, of peo­ple in Con­gress on ma­jor is­sues just by look­ing at their cam­paign fund­ing. That is one fac­tor, let alone lob­by­ing and every­thing else. That is mas­sive in­ter­fer­ence in elections.

About 70 per cent of the pop­u­la­tion of the US is not even rep­re­sent­ed, mean­ing that their own rep­re­sen­ta­tives pay no at­ten­tion to their views, and fol­low the views of the ma­jor fun­ders. This is ma­nip­u­la­tion on an enor­mous lev­el! What­ev­er the Rus­sians might have done is not even a tooth­pick on a moun­tain com­pared to that, quite apart from the fact that the US not only in­ter­venes in elec­tions (in­clud­ing in Rus­sia), but over­throws gov­ern­ments. The whole thing is a bad joke, and a sign of the col­lapse of the De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty as a se­ri­ous in­sti­tu­tion. They are fo­cus­ing on this mar­gin­al phe­nom­e­non as a way to dis­cred­it Trump, and al­most to­tal­ly ig­nor­ing the re­al­ly dev­as­tat­ing things car­ried out by the Trump administration.

Fair­ness & Ac­cu­ra­cy In Re­port­ing did a study a lit­tle while ago of in­ter­views with Trump by the ma­jor me­dia since his elec­tion. It turns out that cli­mate change was not men­tioned. That is the most se­ri­ous thing that he is doing!

It should be a ma­jor head­line every day that, alone in the world, the most pow­er­ful coun­try in hu­man his­to­ry is not only re­fus­ing to par­tic­i­pate in the ef­forts to deal with an ex­is­ten­tial cri­sis, but, in fact, is act­ing to ex­ac­er­bate the cri­sis, pour­ing funds and mon­ey into more use of fos­sil fu­els. Try and find an ex­am­ple in his­to­ry of any po­lit­i­cal or­ga­ni­za­tion that was ded­i­cat­ed with pas­sion to try­ing to de­stroy the prospect for or­ga­nized hu­man life. Even the Nazis were not do­ing that!

And that is the Re­pub­li­can Par­ty un­der Trump. It is the most dan­ger­ous or­ga­ni­za­tion in hu­man his­to­ry, for this rea­son alone. It is not asked about, not dis­cussed. It is hard to find words to de­scribe it. In­stead of that, and plen­ty of oth­er things that they are do­ing, what the me­dia is try­ing to do is find some Russ­ian in­ter­fer­ence in the elec­tion. It is hard to know what to say about it!”

Noam Chom­sky. Look at what he is say­ing here.

As much as you want to com­plain about Rus­sia fuck­ing with Hillary, about the machi­na­tions that fucked with Bernie – and I should note, I am not a per­son that would have vot­ed for him – but what the DNC did to Bernie is far worse than what Rus­sia sup­pos­ed­ly did.

So take the last Ger­man elec­tions, for ex­am­ple. There was a lot of talk about po­ten­tial Russ­ian in­ter­fer­ence, that the Rus­sians would un­der­mine the elec­tion and so on. It turns out there was in­ter­fer­ence in the elec­tion. It was not Russ­ian. It was from the Unit­ed States. A me­dia com­pa­ny that works for nice guys like Trump, Le Pen and Ne­tanyahu got to­geth­er with Face­book, and the Face­book of­fice of Berlin pro­vid­ed them with ex­ten­sive de­tails of the kind they have on Ger­man vot­ers, so then the me­dia com­pa­ny could mi­cro­tar­get ads to spe­cif­ic vot­ers to try to in­flu­ence them to vote in a cer­tain way. For whom? For Al­ter­na­tive für Deutsch­land, the neo-fas­cist par­ty! Which prob­a­bly is a fac­tor in their sur­pris­ing­ly high vote …

As far as the elec­tion it­self was con­cerned, the most strik­ing fea­ture was the Sanders cam­paign. The Sanders cam­paign was the first time in over a cen­tu­ry of Amer­i­can po­lit­i­cal his­to­ry that a can­di­date was able to get to where he did. Sanders prob­a­bly would have been nom­i­nat­ed if it had not been for the machi­na­tions of the Obama/Clinton par­ty man­agers. But he did this with no name recog­ni­tion, no fund­ing from wealth or cor­po­rate pow­er, and no me­dia sup­port or recog­ni­tion – that is as­ton­ish­ing! That has nev­er hap­pened in Amer­i­can po­lit­i­cal his­to­ry. In the Unit­ed States, elec­tions are ba­si­cal­ly bought, as I men­tioned pre­vi­ous­ly. This was a re­al­ly strik­ing phe­nom­e­non, but was bare­ly men­tioned in the media.”

Yeah, read some Chom­sky. There’s a lot post­ed at ZNet and Z Mag­a­zine. Here’s his web­site.

—michael grosse

Flom­mist Michael Grosse a.k.a. DJ Dada was born and since that mo­ment, he has been pissed. Copy­right © 2019 Michael Grosse. Top im­age: Thomas Nast, “The Time Has Come.” Un­cle Sam digs grave for the Re­pub­li­can Par­ty, July 1885.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 23 Jun 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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