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manifesto against a rabid democracy

No one ever be­lieved it enough to make it real.”

This is not fic­tion, this is reality.”

What I won­der, is when re­al­i­ty would take his point of view, re­al­i­ty is just what we tell each oth­er it is.”

This man­i­fest con­cerns the paradox
that to­day they are all bloating,
“Oh in me­dieval days, the banks were con­trolled by the kings!”

Yes, well what would they rather be led by?
Bankers, so you get of­fice buildings?
Kings built cas­tles, yes.

Mod­ern bloat­ing

is sub­jec­tivism,

es­sen­tial­ly Ma­trix movies are also subjectivism –

doesn’t say anything,
it does not get out,
it does not have a vision. 

It has only a cri­tique on the past where­as it doesn’t pro­vide an es­thet­ic of living.
Hence all the of­fice build­ings and minimalism. 

You let the dig­its cre­ate The State.

In essence,
there are no more pos­i­tive vi­sion­ary man­i­fests nov­els or myths. 

Which al­lows only for a sub­ject State to be created,
to see that and dis­cov­er the paradox
you must study it in depth. 

But of course, this sub­ject world was inevitable
as the main the­o­ry of Kant
didn’t have every­one to      “think for them­selves.”

as a mat­ter of fact, they did no such thing
they con­cen­trat­ed on the sub­ject problem. 

This leaves the mass­es com­plete­ly un­aware going
“Oh, you be­lieve in God”
“Oh, you be­lieve in Satan”
“Oh, you be­lieve in beauty”
“Oh, every­thing is sub­jec­tive”

This is all they can say with­out lead­ing to the real problem
that these arguments
are just trod­ding down on what you cre­ate.

Of course you be­lieve in Sa­tan, what you go­ing to be­lieve in?
Of­fice buildings? 

Of course you be­lieve in God. What you go­ing to be­lieve in?
Of­fice buildings? 

Of course you be­lieve, etc., their ar­gu­ments only get the same world they have.

That in­cludes the “do what thou wilt.”

We pro­pose the only so­lu­tions here are the vari­a­tion into such sub­ject ef­fac­ing de­tails as what is 



and ar­ti­san qual­i­ty.

The only an­swers to this de­bate is to con­sid­er the es­thet­ic prin­ci­ples of kitsch and concept.

read it TWO times.
That’s the in­doc­tri­na­tion that needs to get out
as a sermon
for the brick­lay­ers and every­one else.

Be­cause you got all the mansions
you got all the jobs and there is noth­ing for us
But you are not cre­at­ing an economy.

You know what to do
It is in your will or stop your will
But do not blabber.

Letttttttt usssssss bui­i­i­i­i­il­lld our­rrrrrr owwwwwnnn world!!!!


—aey­lyeaelle ell­he de ellendeh

Flom­mist Aey­lyeaelle Ell­he De El­len­deh is a ne­oro­man­tic and neosym­bol­ist artist and philoso­pher, stud­ied sculpt­ing at The Roy­al Acad­e­my of Dec­o­ra­tive Arts of Antwerp Bel­gium, He de­cried ac­tu­al­ly hav­ing fall­en in love stand­ing be­fore the Psy­che of Leighton in Lon­don, hav­ing cried over the Sleep­ing Beau­ty by Suss­mann hell­born and hav­ing spir­i­tu­al re­li­gious af­fec­tions for the Sphinc Mys­terieux by Charles van der Stap­pen. Dec­o­ra­tive sculp­tor and Au­thor of a neosym­bol­ist mythol­o­gy on Kant­ian per­cep­tion, on the imag­i­na­tion, in­spi­ra­tion, art, deca­dence, es­thet­ics and pas­sion, hate, mis­an­thropy main­ly. Heav­i­ly in­flu­enced by Huys­mans A re­bours and Schopen­hauers refuge in art as Sades will to free erotics. He in­vent­ed the Eif­fel tow­er sev­er­al times the size of the cur­rent one in paris to launch trains into space in an art nou­veau way. He in­vent­ed can­dles on re­mote con­trol. He in­vent­ed a game of chess with over 200 pieces per play­er and in an en­tire­ly clas­si­cal and de­scent set­up. With a line of Bish­ops, an Army, an­gels, boul­ders, with tow­ers that need to be de­fend­ed for­ward to launch the boul­ders, with a court, and a high­er court with Elvin, Elvin King, Em­per­or, Em­press and vam­pire of melan­choly and a vam­pire le­gion. He is a self de­clared mad­man and of­fi­cial­ly de­clared in­sane by the state of Bel­gium deu to his ro­man­tic up­risals. De­sign­er and ar­chi­tect of the fu­ture city of Anae­htheana, which is best de­scribed as the most beau­ti­ful and lux­u­ri­ous place ever de­vised, with the con­crete bridges done again in mar­ble, a wild zoo where the high­way is now. And a for­ti­fied vat­i­can in­spired wall for a le­gion of Joans of Arc he is try­ing to call. Among that, he is call­ing upon all ar­che­types cur­rent­ly in cos­play goth­ic and mu­sic to build, among oth­er things, a Vam­pire Lane with goth­ic schools, goth­ic mu­se­ums and goth­ic lounges and palaces. And an Angh an­gel fortress. It is his one and only and fi­nal mis­sion to re­place all com­mer­cial bill­boards with ro­man­tic and aca­d­e­m­ic paint­ings. Etc … Copy­right © 2019 Aey­lyeaelle Ell­he De Ellendeh.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 6 Oct 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

