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  chunks of flommus 


propping up mondrian, home intruder

Your work is some­thing con­nect­ed deeply to who you
are, its not a sep­a­rate com­part­ment in your life … it’s
your vocation.” 

—Robert Greene, Mastery

I hold my vo­ca­tion in high regard. 

It unites my back­ground as a met­al work­er with my artis­tic as­pi­ra­tions. Graph­ic de­sign was the pro­fes­sion of Jo­hannes Guten­berg, a for­mer gold­smith. Every print­ed word is set in place by one of his stu­dents. It has its own nomen­cla­ture, like points and pi­cas, x‑heights and as­cen­ders. Graph­ic de­sign­ers tra­verse base­lines to find cozy struc­tures, called grids, that words can live in. Res­i­den­cies are spent in print stu­dios and book binderies. They cal­cu­late line lengths us­ing for­mu­las. Here’s one I use:


This week I made cutouts for the PHO­TO­STU­DIO at Flomm’s an­nu­al 4.23 Event – SAT­UR­DAY NIGHT 22 April 2017. Re­siz­ing old low res black and white pho­tos of DeS­ti­jl icons Van Does­burg and Mon­dri­an. Adobe CC’s new al­go­rithm is no joke. Use fil­ters people.


I’m in De Stijl.


Had to make sure my DeS­ti­jl icons could stand on their own. I de­signed a mech­a­nism to prop them up. Mon­dri­an is now ready for Flomm 4.23! Shout out to Chuck for helping.


They’re sil­ly and I’m very sleep de­prived at the moment.
I’ve mis­tak­en Mon­dri­an for a home in­trud­er on sev­er­al oc­ca­sions. I made the suck­er and he still gets the jump on me. Is this how par­ents feel?

I am whole­heart­ed­ly in love with the craft. This ad­mi­ra­tion isn’t just the pass­ing fan­cy of a hob­by­ist, rather it’s the cul­mi­na­tion of hours of prac­ti­cal ap­pli­ca­tion. My goal is to be­come a mas­ter print­er. I’ve at­tend­ed work­shops and study every facet of my trade. I have al­ready learned lith­o­g­ra­phy, wood­block, silk screen, and flex­o­graph­ic print­mak­ing meth­ods. As a Flom­mist I har­bor a sense of all-in­clu­sive­ness, any­one can learn my craft and I will preach the Gospel of Lorem Ip­sum un­til you love wood­cuts as much as I do. 

See you at 4.23 TONIGHT.



—louis her­nan­dez

Flom­mist Louis Her­dan­dez is ob­sessed with go­ing Bauhaus and be­com­ing The Ma­chine. Prefer­ably a drill press. Copy­right © 2017 Louis Hernandez.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
drawing attention to works by nü  +  upcoming artists,
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– however –
is mostly paid for out of pocket or in trade

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Der Tung
Sat 22 Apr 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

