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I spent a large chunk of summer/fall watch­ing footage from BLACK ZE­BRA, com­mu­ni­ty video­g­ra­phers work­ing as press agents of The Sacra­men­to Bee.

I’ve seen BLACK ZE­BRA ques­tioned, gassed and beat­en – while cov­er­ing BLM protests in Sacra­men­to, Port­land, Col­orado, Mis­sis­sip­pi, France – even the burbs a few blocks from where I live – where lo­cal vig­i­lant cops were us­ing ‘im­por­tant po­lice re­sources’ to have parked cars of pro­test­ers towed cause strip mall park­ing lots are pri­vate property.

Abuse of pow­er comes as no surprise.”
Jen­ny Holzer

As sum­mer and the march­es con­tin­ued, the real sur­prise to me was when MUL­TI­PLE CAM­ERAS were fi­nal­ly trained on the po­lice – via not just ZE­BRA but the main­stream me­diaTHEY JUST KEPT GOING.

Fuck­ing po­lice do­ing vi­o­lence was on my feed NIGHT­LY – and it was NOT let­ting up.

Learned rub­ber bul­lets are GI­ANT and are sup­posed to be aimed at the ground, not people’s FACES. Mil­i­tary grade gas is OKAY to use on civil­ians – and the cops have a shit­load of mil­i­tary equipment.

An awe­some author/journalist I used to chat with on Twit­ter lost an eye.

Night af­ter night – a few blocks in down­town Port­land end­ing up look­ing like the whole city was a fuck­ing war zone.


The old­er man in Buf­fa­lo hit me hard. He looks like my grand­fa­ther.

Men­tioned this to my right wing cousin, who said he to­tal­ly de­served it, and list­ed off the FOX News talk­ing points why.

Turns out he was just an­oth­er so­cial­ist not fol­low­ing the rule of law, of course. Trump’s de­scrip­tion of the man was a hel­lu­va lot cold­er.


this past Wednes­day was Time to Watch His­to­ry Day.

I bounced from net­work to net­work, in­clud­ing FOX just to see their spin – which wasn’t quite hap­pen­ing be­fore Han­ni­ty show’d up for work. And even CNN was far­ther left than MSNBC – An­der­son Coop­er was just let­ting it fly.

And then the im­por­tant 6 p.m. D.C. cur­few hit – and I was ex­pect­ing the po­lice pro­ce­dures I saw over and over via con­stant BLACK ZE­BRA footage – which in­cludes trap­ping pro­tes­tors so they could NOT ac­tu­al­ly dis­perse (ket­tling), vi­o­lent take downs, zip ties, lots of scream­ing, ba­tons, blood and pad­dy wagons.



It re­al­ly shouldn’t have been a sur­prise, tho.

This is how an an­gry WHITE mob is treat­ed when they take over things in the Unit­ed States.

Two Amer­i­c­as. Noth­ing to see here, move along. 

Loot­ed gov­ern­ment of­fices, shit smeared in the hall­ways, and a slew of Hey, why wasn’t any­one keep­ing an eye on the Capi­tol pun­dit pieces – and the rou­tine blam­ing of AN­TIFA.

Tho I’ve checked.

There were no ducks in the capi­tol dur­ing the oc­cu­pa­tion ’cept for a few stuffed tro­phies gift­ed from Theodore Roo­sevelt to Mitch McConnell.


The at­tack on the US Capi­tol by a rag tag army of pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s sup­port­ers has been called an at­tack on the Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy and a failed coup at­tempt. On the oth­er hand, it is be­ing seen as the last gasp of a clown pres­i­den­cy … [but] con­sid­er, by way of par­al­lel, what hap­pened in Mu­nich in No­vem­ber, 1923 in what went down in his­to­ry as the Beer Hall Putsch[Adolf] Hitler had no co­her­ent plan. His sup­port­ers were too few and his talk about sup­port from the army and po­lice was pure fab­ri­ca­tion. His hope that the army and po­lice units would be tak­en in by his na­tion­al­ist rhetoric and come out in his sup­port, were dashed … But we all know the se­quel. Ten years lat­er, in 1933, Hitler be­came the Fuhrer of Ger­many. And, in 1939, sev­en­teen years af­ter the Beer Hall Putsch, he start­ed the Sec­ond World War.”
Man­as Chakravarty


It turns out ma­jor coups and civ­il wars kin­da start like this.

The first day of the US Civ­il War end­ed up as sort of a meh mo­ment too – un­til oth­ers car­ried things into some­thing “fought in 10 thou­sand places.”


We’ll be back and we’ll be armed. For the In­au­gu­ra­tion, count on it!”

Right in the mid­dle of the day-long news binge, a threat amongst the hap­pi­ly leav­ing, tri­umphant Trumpsters.

Their mess left for oth­ers who de­serve mor than overtime.

There will still be
Black and brown men
and women clean­ing up
the mess­es left behind
by the vi­o­lence of white
su­prema­cy. It’s the
Amer­i­can way.”

Cate Young, The Cut


—steve mehal­lo

Flom­mist Steve Mehal­lo is a graph­ic de­sign­er, il­lus­tra­tor, font de­sign­er, ed­u­ca­tor, food­ie and gad­fly. He is the cre­ator and founder of FLOMM!

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sat 9 Jan 2021

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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