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  chunks of flommus 


frequency: pirouettes, deeper than six feet, dywmyb

We don’t be­lieve in genres.
We be­lieve in music.
We put our faith in the frequency.


2. pirou­ettes
You ever man­i­fest­ed some­one who felt per­fect for you for a time and even though they weren’t for­ev­er they helped re­mind you how beau­ti­ful love can be and how much you de­serve it? You know when a re­la­tion­ship ends and you have to gen­tly re­move those pain frag­ments as to not de­stroy your re­stored faith in love like an arche­ol­o­gist try­ing to un­earth a T‑Rex spine.


I spent a year and a half with my head down in the heal­ing solo. And then she danced in. The kind of beau­ty that doesn’t have to try at all be­cause it ra­di­ates from un­der the skin. She wore hus­tle like a per­fume and kissed me like she missed me every time I walked in a door. One of those im­me­di­ate con­nec­tions so in­tense that it will make a hard­core Chris­t­ian be­lieve in rein­car­na­tion be­cause you MUST have done this some oth­er lifetime.

The re­la­tion­ship didn’t last. I won’t bore you with the de­tails (DY­WMYB) but I will tell you that it was the most hon­est I have ever been in a re­la­tion­ship (both with a part­ner and my­self) and that I grew a lot from my time with her. And that she’s dope and I wish her all the best.

Post breakup one day I was telling my friend about this song and how it was beau­ti­ful but I wasn’t sure about putting it on the al­bum and played it for her. She ex­plained how love is no less present or beau­ti­ful af­ter what it was out­ward­ly fo­cused on is gone (way bet­ter than that).

When Clarence got here from Texas and heard it he loved it. The only prob­lem was that he want­ed to record with an acoustic over it and only had his elec­tric. Right then our dear friend Lej­marc who we’d only known for a cou­ple weeks at that point wan­dered in un­know­ing­ly with a beau­ti­ful ny­lon string guitar.

Clarence didn’t even say hi. He just asked to see the gui­tar and head­ed to the lab to record. And this song would not be what it is with­out it.

This is eas­i­ly Clarence and Lejmarc’s fa­vorite song on the al­bum. Pirou­ettes was writ­ten su­per ear­ly on in the process and set a prece­dent for ex­plor­ing some dif­fer­ent feels and sounds on this project. Thanks love.

It’s a del­i­cate dance that dev­ils do but blame the an­gels that taught it to ’em:


4. deep­er than six feet
Long be­fore I want­ed to be a rap­per I want­ed to be Hen­ry Rollins.

I grew up in south­ern Cal­i­for­nia skat­ing un­til we bled blast­ing punk rock mu­sic. It’s in my veins. When I start­ed play­ing with dif­fer­ent gen­res for this al­bum I did a few punk songs. This was the only one that made the cut. Is there an An­dru De­f­eye punk rock al­bum com­ing soon? Who knows.

My biggest con­fu­sion in Sacra­men­to has al­ways been the lack of crossover be­tween our punk scene and our hip hop scene. In cities I’ve been to across the coun­try it’s a nat­ur­al col­lab­o­ra­tion. Sacra­men­to is the only city I know where the two don’t re­al­ly work/play to­geth­er (with a few ex­cep­tions … I see you De­stroy Boys). And what goes bet­ter with punk rock than trap beats?

Any­way. This is Paul Willis’ favourite song on the al­bum. Which just goes to show we all got a lit­tle punk rock in us somewhere:


5. dy­wmyb
DY­WMYB was nev­er in­tend­ed to be an al­bum cut.

The last song that made that al­bum, DY­WMYB was a lit­tle rap banger that I worked out to kill some time on one of the last days of record­ing wait­ing for Un­cle Jay to come over and record his gui­tar for All the Way Off.

While I’d traipsed a few gen­res on the al­bum and it had some rap on it, it didn’t have a banger for the club on it. I was okay with this. I’d been talk­ing to a friend of mine who works a lot in the clubs. We were talk­ing about a col­lab­o­ra­tion and I was try­ing to get my­self into that state of mind so I start­ed bang­ing out this beat. By the time the beat was done the hook had come to mind.

It’s sage ad­vice for our­selves as well as others.

Drink Your Water.
Mind Your Business.


if your night needs a soundtrack
Fre­quen­cy has dropped, the above tracks and more – al­bum avail­able on Band­camp.

Send as gift also avail­able, of course.

Com­plete­ly pro­duced, en­gi­neered, mixed, and mas­tered on the iPad. With mu­si­cal ac­com­pa­ni­ment from Clarence Nel­son II all the way out of Texas and Sacramento’s own Jay Sales and a few ap­pear­ances vo­cal­ly by Di­a­mond Aiko Mi­nori (Di­a­mond key), Chaz­a­hyah Yis­rael, and De­veon Smith.

And for those of you ask­ing, YES. Fre­quen­cy will be avail­able on all stream­ing sites but not un­til 11 Jan­u­ary 2020.

Fig­ured I’d try and make a cou­ple dol­lars off an amaz­ing album’s worth of hard work be­fore y’all only pay 0.666 cents per play on the Spo­ti­fys, Itunes, and Google Plays.

Just so non-artists un­der­stand … songs have to be streamed ap­prox­i­mate­ly 1,800 times in or­der to make the $12 that the al­bum is sell­ing for. Phys­i­cal copies of Ul­tra­vi­o­let made over 20x what stream­ing has made thus far.

(And the mu­sic is al­ways free for any­one who doesn’t got the $12 on it. Just ask.)

(Also I would be re­miss not to men­tion that Li­brary Of Mu­si­cLan­dria loaned us a cou­ple pieces of gear we need­ed to make this al­bum come to life. Sup­port them Sacramento!)


Love y’all.


—an­dru defeye

Flom­mist An­dru De­f­eye is the Guer­ril­la Poet Lau­re­ate of Sacra­men­to. Copy­right © 2019 An­dru Defeye.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 18 Dec 2019

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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