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labels, labels, labels

I think we could do with few­er la­bels, not more.”
George Car­lin, Nat’l Press Club speech 13 May 1999 (be­low)

The oth­er day I was talk­ing to an in­di­vid­ual about the is­sues we are fac­ing with the home­less in Sacra­men­to.

We were hav­ing a re­al­ly nice con­ver­sa­tion – and we were pret­ty much in full agree­ment on the prob­lems and why they weren’t be­ing solved, how they should be solved —

and next thing you know he’s blam­ing every­thing on lib­er­als and wokeness.

When I tried to point out that most of us are all cen­trists and we all be­lieve in the same thing, I re­al­ized what­ev­er I say will not make a dif­fer­ence. It will not mat­ter to him at this point.


I’m not be­ing crit­i­cal of him by any means – it just sad­dens me that we are so fuck­ing di­vid­ed when we all be­lieve in the same things.

I also re­al­ized that our po­lit­i­cal par­ties have be­come just like the fam­i­lies of addicts.

The Re­pub­li­can Par­ty is the hard work­ing ad­dict­ed fa­ther who used to be sober and com­pas­sion­ate, but now is so lost in his ad­dic­tion that he no longer sees rea­son in any­thing that doesn’t serve his ad­dic­tion and abil­i­ty to con­trol the family.

The De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty is the lov­ing co-de­pen­dent moth­er who could al­ways fill the needs of the fam­i­ly through ex­pla­na­tion and rea­son, but now is so lost in mak­ing every­one hap­py, and so scared of her spouse, that she can’t see her own part in the fam­i­ly vi­o­lence and disfunction.

The In­de­pen­dents are the friends and neigh­bors who say they care about the fam­i­ly but side with which ever one fits their own agen­da no mat­ter how harm­ful or dis­hon­est it is.

The Pro­gres­sive Par­ty is the old­est daugh­ter who sat in si­lence watch­ing the par­ents go from love to ha­tred and is now adamant not to re­peat the pat­tern, but she does­n’t see how she runs head long into de­ci­sions with­out think­ing them through.

And The Green Par­ty is the qui­et lit­tle son sit­ting in his room scared of los­ing every­thing and dy­ing, and just wants every­thing to be okay, but is too small and in­con­se­quen­tial to make a difference.

This is why we can­not talk to each other.

La­bels, la­bels, labels.

George Car­lin states things rather well: 

This is def­i­nite­ly worth watch­ing all the way through, how­ev­er, if you just want to watch the part about la­bels it starts at 27 min­utes 10 seconds.

For the parts of FLOMM phi­los­o­phy Car­lin in­spired, jump to Q&A at
and on ed­u­ca­tion: 51:05.



—Louis Warfield

Flom­mist Louis Warfield is a fab­ri­ca­tion spe­cial­ist who runs the award-win­ning Rhi­no De­sign Stu­dio, “You dream it, we’ll build it.” Copy­right © 2023 Louis Warfield.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Fri 23 Jun 2023

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

