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inferior artists

The greater the artist,
the greater the doubt.
Per­fect con­fi­dence is granted
to the less tal­ent­ed as a con­so­la­tion prize.”
Robert Hugh­es

The prob­lem with the world
is that the in­tel­li­gent people
are full of doubts,
while the stu­pid ones are full of con­fi­dence.”
Charles Bukows­ki


                              i t breaks my heart to re­al­ize what we are as artists – 

cre­ators – 

made to feel in­fe­ri­or in this world.

                          e ven though with­in our con­tri­bu­tion to so­ci­ety are the foun­da­tions of life. This is where we all start­ed. We all were once forced to cre­ate every­thing we had.

                        a s progress con­tin­ues, less and less of us cre­ate. Be­cause some­one else could – then ma­chines could – now we are lost.

                      w e are be­com­ing some­thing with­in our ma­chines – what we call The In­ter­net. We are now ob­sessed with what we can cre­ate there, gen­er­ate there.

                    w ithin that uni­verse, peo­ple can’t see through the two sides of the mir­ror. Our phys­i­cal re­al­i­ty and world still ex­ists, outside.

                  w hat is be­hind this is the de­struc­tion of hu­man ex­is­tence. There are those who are un­able to see that our cre­ation of this false world will de­stroy our phys­i­cal world – and both worlds will die.

                w hat we have been giv­en is sup­posed to be main­tained, fixed, or re­pur­posed. Our con­tin­u­um of  Get New  – need­ed or not – then dis­card­ed is a ter­ri­ble prod­uct of our so­ci­ety, which is treat­ed just the same.

              a nd we do it to hu­mans – to real peo­ple, to real artists cre­at­ing re­al­i­ty in our phys­i­cal world.

It’s a ter­ri­ble thing we do – oh!
Look, I got a new fol­low­er on Instagram.”


            i  ad­mit my own guilt in this as I have been sucked in for a time or many. I am try­ing to go in on a branch, to touch those in­side who are sucked in.

            t o gen­er­ate pur­pose and open the blind­ers – take off the masks we wear.

                 a llow us to come back, and see what we are doing.

                        t o pro­vide hope and voice that we can in this de­struc­tion and still fix it – still cre­ate it.

                                 t his is the biggest chal­lenge in a so­ci­ety that si­lences the most hon­est voices.

—al­ley scheffki

Flom­mist Al­ley Schef­f­ki is 21 years young, ‘I am the blue rose. Dies ist ein wun­sch für frei­heit.’ Copy­right © 2016 Al­ley Scheffki.

Pho­to of a pho­to orig­i­nal­ly tak­en by Danielle Steers.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
drawing attention to works by nü  +  upcoming artists,
designers, writers, musicians  +  MOR

– however –
is mostly paid for out of pocket or in trade

wat  FLOMM  is doing here, please consider

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                all our  FLOMMHAUS  merch is made to order

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everything we do is on a volunteer basis —
             when we say  YOU CAN BE A FLOMMIST TOO  this is wat we mean

your support helps our continued efforts
to create content across numerous platforms

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Der Tung
Tue 16 Feb 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

