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in a city that is known around the world for police murder …



From cre­den­tialed jour­nal­ist Blake Gille­spie:

Sacra­men­to Po­lice Department’s bud­get is $146.7 mil­lion. They re­ceive $10 mil­lion from Mea­sure U an­nu­al­ly and that mon­ey is sup­posed to go to com­mu­ni­ties. The Body Cam ini­tia­tive in­clud­ed a grant from the DOJ of near­ly $600,000 and the project re­port­ed only costs $1.5 mil­lion. Just last year they up­dat­ed the pol­i­cy ‘Cur­rent­ly, all of­fi­cers are is­sued Body Worn Cam­eras and are gen­er­al­ly re­quired to wear them when con­duct­ing en­force­ment or in­ves­tiga­tive ac­tiv­i­ty, re­gard­less of their as­sign­ment – The Body Worn Cam­era pol­i­cy was up­dat­ed on Jan­u­ary 16, 2019 and im­ple­ment­ed best prac­tices from de­part­ments across the state as well as lessons learned from field use.’ NO EXCUSES.”

Peo­ple tell me fairy tales that “there are good cops.” If Sacra­men­to had good cops this wouldn’t hap­pen. Good cops would quit when they be­came aware of this be­cause they swore an oath to pro­tect and serve. Sac PD pro­tects them­selves and serves their pock­et book.

Sacramento’s may­or, the coun­cil peo­ple, the city man­ag­er, the po­lice de­part­ment, Chief Hahn, and all of these peo­ple are work­ing to­geth­er to guar­an­tee the cit­i­zens of Sacra­men­to can be killed by po­lice dur­ing peace­ful protests with no ev­i­dence or ac­count­abil­i­ty. Just like they killed Stephon Clark.

NOTH­ING has changed. They don’t care if we die out here. They’re sit­ting at home watch­ing live streams of kids in ‘their’ city hav­ing guns point­ed at their faces and en­joy­ing a glass of wine.

Prove me wrong y’all.

Your Poet Lau­re­ate would like to make an ap­point­ment. He would like to speak with you, May­or Dar­rell Steinberg.


Black Lives Mat­ter. Black Ze­bras cov­er the matter.

Free­dom of the press un­der attack:

The Black Ze­bra nar­row­ly es­capes be­ing de­tained il­le­gal­ly by the Sacra­men­to PD Mon­day night. Com­mu­ni­ty jour­nal­ists Black Ze­bra is a work­ing mem­ber of the press with The Sacra­men­to Bee.

Give the Black Ze­bra $7.77 for the 7 min­utes of hell (above) that they flew through un­scathed … all for you. If you do this one minute lat­er the Black Ze­bra will grant you a more joy­ful soul. Ven­mo: @blackzebra

Watch more lo­cal Black Ze­bra cov­er­age here.


And if I go dark I need y’all to go hard af aight white folks. I been giv­ing you game for years now. There are all kinds of resources:

Pro­tect the Black Ze­bra at all costs! This means shar­ing all the live feeds, screen record­ing them so they are nev­er lost and can be re­u­ploaded if tak­en down. Stay in the com­ments sec­tions and keep peo­ple from giv­ing out lo­ca­tions. Keep our com­mu­ni­ty safe first and fore­most. Blast out the Ven­mo @blackzebra dai­ly and flood the com­ments with it. And tell peo­ple to donate.

If you see elect­ed of­fi­cials are watch­ing the live feeds make it un­com­fort­able for them. Ask them why the cops aren’t wear­ing body cams be­cause none of them will ad­dress that. Then copy paste it a mil­lion times so they can’t help but see it. And so that the rest of the city knows they are not pro­tect­ing the com­mu­ni­ty they are sup­posed to serve.

Do­nate to Ven­mo @designingchris to help pro­vide wa­ter and food to front­line ac­tivists. Take care of each other.

Do­nate to Nor­Cal Re­sist’s com­mu­ni­ty sup­port fund. Bail for those arrested.

Do­nate to Sol Col­lec­tive. Work­ing hard to sup­port how­ev­er they can.

Vet any white per­son ask­ing in­for­ma­tion about protests. Do not tag lead­ers in posts. Es­pe­cial­ly black ones. This gets peo­ple tar­get­ed. Re­mem­ber this is a war for the lib­er­a­tion of our black fam­i­ly. Not a fuck­ing pho­to op to show IG how down you are. I’ll be back even­tu­al­ly and I will reign down hell­fire in a pub­lic forum.

Lis­ten to Black lead­er­ship. Lis­ten to Black women. Am­pli­fy the black LGBTQA+ com­mu­ni­ty er­rrry day not be­cause it’s pride month but be­cause you love them and they are not be­ing heard loud enough.

Turn the fuck up. Sup­port Anti Po­lice-Ter­ror Project Sacra­men­to and Men­tal Health First.

Re­mem­ber Black folks are AL­WAYS at the front of the march un­til the cops show up then put your white ass body be­tween them. Am­pli­fy black voic­es how­ev­er you can. Share Black art. White feel­ings don’t mat­ter, Black lives do.

Blessed re­sis­tance y’all. I love you.


—an­dru defeye

Flom­mist An­dru De­f­eye is the Guer­ril­la Poet Lau­re­ate of Sacra­men­to. Copy­right © 2020 An­dru De­f­eye. Video cap­tures via Black Ze­bra Pro­duc­tions.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 3 Jun 2020

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

