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Watched In­cred­i­bles 2.

It was a fun and in­tel­li­gent film, and it’s very hard for me to say which one I like more. The first one had a bet­ter vil­lain and plot, and this film has a stronger, emo­tion­al core. Sim­i­lar to the Guardians of the Galaxy films, whose first en­try was more sto­ry-dri­ven and the se­quel was character-driven.

The film starts off like Ghost­busters 2 (1989). It was as if the ac­tions in the pre­vi­ous film didn’t sway pub­lic opin­ion and peo­ple still dis­ap­prove of the su­per­heroes. From there, the mom gets a hero job and the dad has to look af­ter the fam­i­ly. I give the script writer a lot of cred­it for not tak­ing the ‘dumb dad’ joke route, like over­cook­ing din­ner or for­get­ting to send kids off to school. Bob Parr is a ca­pa­ble man who has gen­uine fam­i­ly prob­lems with three (su­per-pow­ered) kids, and any real fa­ther or guy can un­der­stand his strug­gle. The kids, es­pe­cial­ly the baby, do not fall into the same cheap slap­stick ei­ther that you might see in less­er kids films. It is clear that the peo­ple be­hind the film re­spect the au­di­ence and as­sume that we are smart. And I re­al­ly ap­pre­ci­ate that.

The spe­cial props go to the mom, Parr, aka Elasti­girl. She is the hard work­ing mom who does all the cool ac­tion se­quences in the film and fi­nan­cial­ly sup­ports the fam­i­ly, and (no spoil­ers, but fe­male char­ac­ters are more promi­nent in the main plot, at least four). The mar­ket­ing, let alone the film it­self, nev­er made a big deal out of it. That’s the at­ti­tude I ap­pre­ci­ate in a fe­male-cen­tric film; it should not be treat­ed as spe­cial, it should be normal.

The emo­tion­al in­vest­ment to the fam­i­ly is there, maybe stronger than the first one, but the vil­lain is ob­vi­ous and with weak mo­ti­va­tion. I am not go­ing to spoil it, but his plan does not make sense and ru­ins the sto­ry if you re­al­ly start think­ing about it.

Be­sides the sto­ry and char­ac­ters, the dig­i­tal an­i­ma­tion has evolved a lot. Fab­ric and hair are in­sane­ly de­tailed and nat­ur­al, which are most ap­par­ent tech­ni­cal advancements. 

On artis­tic lev­el, the char­ac­ter an­i­ma­tion is even more cre­ative than the last one and the team is to­tal­ly com­fort­able with su­per­hero chore­og­ra­phy. I had more fun watch­ing the fight scenes of this film than Black Pan­ther (2018) or Cap­tain Amer­i­ca, which are just dudes punching.

Brad Bird said that he wouldn’t do a se­quel un­less he comes up with some­thing as good as the orig­i­nal. He didn’t want to do a se­quel sim­ply be­cause it was pop­u­lar. It took 14 years to make it hap­pen, and this cer­tain­ly has a big heart. 910.

The In­cred­i­bles was ar­guably the best Fan­tas­tic 4 film, and I think this film is a tie. Af­ter a lit­tle dis­tance, Roger Corman’s un­re­leased pi­lot ver­sion ranks as the 3rd for its ‘so bad, so good’ en­ter­tain­ment val­ue, fol­lowed by the two Jes­si­ca Alba ver­sions. And I refuse to ac­knowl­edge that there was an­oth­er one.

—toshi oma­gari

Flom­mist Toshi Oma­gari fights many things, most re­cent of which is the auto-cor­rec­tion of his ti­tle to florist. Copy­right © 2018 Toshi Omagari.

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Der Tung
Thu 16 Aug 2018

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