I made you a mix tape:
Did you know
that funny little march that Nazis did is called “goose stepping?”
Did you know
that we get a lot of our still-very-salient concepts of mental health and behavioral normalcy from those guys?
That even such subtle creeping hegemonic ideas about which members of society are lazy, beyond hope, or should stay out of sight, also stem from such fascist ideology?
Good times.
We should really try and do much less of that.
I mean to resist,
by being intentionally silly.
By still letting my heart be soft,
by being too much of a weirdo to keep time in any cute metaphorical marches. By acknowledging the invisible space in which our world is truly created.
And by remembering that I am also all of the people I might think I have a problem with at any given moment.
where is the big orange angry baby-man within ME, y’know?
welcome to The Abyss.
It is not our first – or last – time here. Your screams and longing upward stares have all been lovingly received.
—bwargh von modnar
Flommist Bwargh von Modnar is. Copyright © 2024 Bwargh von Modnar.