Been thinking: Maybe I should just run for President.
Presidential assassination isn’t a bad way to go out, right?
I won’t be old enough for two more elections. That’s enough time to … get my shit together. Or leave the country. You know, either one.
I think the trick to running as a Libertarian and/or Anarchist is to let your own party know what’s up, but then lie to everyone else.
I’ll need someone good for my vice though. Maybe John McAfee.
He’s just paranoid enough and he’d be good at security. He could get things done when conventional approaches aren’t working ’cause he don’t give a fuuuck.
He’d be like the bad cop to my good cop. If there’s bad news, have him deliver it. And I can send him into all the dangerous-for-a-woman-to-be-in circumstances in foreign relations.
When thinking of how to solve some of our problems, I would say it’s not to make more rules – which seems to be what every new candidate wants to do. I want there to be less rules, and more educating people on how to take an active role as citizens … I don’t think we have the world’s biggest prison population for a lack of rules.
We could give more of the people what they need, with less Federal Legislation and more people giving a shit about being part of their community, locally – by the county or state.
Then we get the lazy people to step up and do stuff – by convincing them to be better people through the lame TV shows they watch.
Mind control? Well, I mean, the machine is already there, soo …
Big corporations may have a problem with this. Agendas, shareholders, and the like.
Just need to get Big Businesses to stop investing in shitty things, and … get them to invest in some non-shitty things instead.
But as President, I can’t really make them do that.
Had someone kinda recently explain to me that corporations themselves, if they were just being normal corporations, isn’t the problem so much the gov’t giving them so much money they can’t fail, and that fucks things up for anyone else trying to have/start a business.
But the other problem with corporations – as they are structured – they’re protected when they do terrible shit. So if a corporation is fine and nice, but someone working for the corporation decides to abuse what they’re doing, the corporation usually lets them get away with it if numbers go up.
This will go on until someone points out to them what’s really going on, like maybe a lawyer or two, then they fire that person, apologize, say nice things. And they make an example of this bad employee, who was a really good employee just last week.
The corporation changes their policies, etc. so it never, ever happens again – then another someone finds another bad way to make numbers go up and the cycle continues.
But they should be real careful about how they do all this – because when I’m President, no one is going to bail them out if they screw up.
Which is how I end up assassinated.
Flocked avocado textiles, harvest yellow desk
How’s this for a campaign promise:
‘My FIRST WEEK as president, I will …
‘curl up real small under my desk and cry because the world is mad at us and everything just got super overwhelming.’
—bwargh von modnar
Flommist Bwargh von Modnar is. Copyright © 2016 Bwargh von Modnar. Pictured: Taft’s Oval Office and a dash of Boullée.