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flommín around on soundcloud

There’s a huge dif­fer­ence be­tween mix­ing mu­sic and mix­ing sound ef­fects. It’s two com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent mindsets.
Chelsea Davis

I start­ed work­ing on this ex­per­i­men­tal elec­tro swing mix some­time last year. To prac­tice mix­ing mu­sic. Cause I’m of the sound ef­fects mindset.

And with the sound for FLOMM, I’d been ex­per­i­ment­ing with lay­er­ing and lay­er­ing. Like the in­stru­ments in a sym­pho­ny, like Pho­to­shop. Sort of (naive­ly) the op­po­site of what one is sup­posed to do.

To liv­en up dull mono record­ings, I use a forced stereo tech­nique I dis­cov­ered by ac­ci­dent when I was in high school: Mono track played slight­ly out of sync on the left and right chan­nels = hy­per re­al­is­tic stereo thing. Turned out a lot of the sound in the first Star Wars movie was done this way. (This also made it pos­si­ble to use a lot of mono iPhone record­ings in FLOMM).

As a kid, I had a lot of sound in my life. Grew up across from an air­port, when noise abate­ment wasn’t a thing. I also had ac­cess to thou­sands of records from sev­er­al gen­res. I even met Lawrence Welk once, in Tahoe, with my par­ents. He had a lot of grease in his hair, I liked that the Ger­i­tol logo was on everything. 

My dad loved col­lect­ing old stere­os and ra­dios – and when it came to vinyl, he used go to garage sales and say, ‘How much for the en­tire box?’

It’s how I dis­cov­ered George Car­lin (you can see his phi­los­o­phy float­ing around our man­i­festo), Bill Cos­by (fuck you Bill, you were a damn good sto­ry­teller) and, like, a zil­lion Richard Nixon par­o­dy al­bums.

His box­es of records led to Led Zep­pelin, the Stones, Richard Rodgers, George Gersh­win, Igor Stravin­sky, Cab Cal­loway, Artie Shaw, and an odd dis­co ver­sion of War of the Worlds.

Flom­mín Around (named by Bwargh) is a mix of mu­sic I once had on scratchy vinyl. With Slaugh­ter on Tenth Av­enue, Rhap­sodies, Petrush­ka, et al:

FLOM­MÍN AROUND [le vin­tage Medleé] flom­mdisque    nü jazz assemblage

—steve mehal­lo

Flom­mist Steve Mehal­lo is a graph­ic de­sign­er, il­lus­tra­tor, font de­sign­er, ed­u­ca­tor, food­ie and gad­fly. He is the cre­ator and founder of FLOMM! Fol­low FLOMM on Sound­Cloud here.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sat 26 Dec 2015

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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