Typical men are directional. They respond best to clear, specific asks, versus big abstract ideas.
Regarding the women’s marches, I’m feeling like there’s no clear message and a lot of men don’t know their roles, what to do, or WTF is going on, besides that women expect a shift.
KNOW YOUR AUDIENCE. Speak their language, love men like they need to be loved. Wherever you need to, start to say EXACTLY what you want (this usually takes feminine types time to nail down, but it’s THE point).
We women are not all on the same page, we don’t have the same opinions or needs, but clear statements from varying voices will start creating a unified song.
Search to turn your deepest feminine knowings into articulate expectations and give practical meaning to the movement if you expect to be heard and respected.
—ruby roth
Flommist Ruby Roth is an artist, designer, creative strategist, and the author-illustrator of four leading books for kids. Her work has been featured on Today, CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC News, and other major media outlets. Copyright © 2018 Ruby Roth.