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  chunks of flommus 


biblios de poésie pathologischen

Over the years a few peo­ple have con­tin­u­al­ly hound­ed me,

     “Why don’t you do THIS ?! 

     “Why don’t you do THAT ?! 

     “Why don’t you make a    BOOK   ?!”

My fa­vorite re­sponse to a, “Why don’t you … ?” 

is a, “Well, why don’t I ?” 

That darn leash of the sil­ly artist’s path(ological) direction! 

Though, a book of what ?

Oth­er items to ad­dress: I don’t have what some would call a “fol­low­ing.” I also need more dis­tance be­fore do­ing any­thing with my aban­doned poster and de­sign work. Why not move for­ward in­stead of tak­ing steps back?

I have been cre­ative writ­ing and tak­ing notes over the last four­teen years. In 2013, I no­ticed a change in my ap­proach, no­tably in the build of a sub­stan­tial amount of quick lit­tle dit­ties – po­ems, I guess – that kept com­ing to me out of the nowhere and every­where that is the reser­voir. Some ar­rived ful­ly formed and flood­ed, oth­ers I smoothed out af­ter a kink’d trick­le from the tap.

Af­ter a while I be­gan cor­ralling and fi­ness­ing my words fur­ther. Re­al­iz­ing I had some­thing (Maybe?), a goal was put in place to pull the cork and re­lease it via an on­line self-pub­lish­ing plat­form. Why not uti­lize the re­sources at hand? As I was prep­ping a book of some sort, and fum­bling with soft­ware and screen bar­ri­ers, even more po­ems poured out. I nev­er did fare well with word prob­lems, but saw it as a good one to have. Nat­u­ral­ly, I hunched and lis­tened. I re­spond­ed with words and pictures.

Life would find me los­ing mo­men­tum on the project … I’d also take breaks to fo­cus on oth­er art, fol­low­ing those im­puls­es when rhythm and rou­tine are kin. On oc­ca­sion I’d glance at both new and old art piled up and find even more ways to trans­late the im­ages into writ­ing, fur­ther ex­plain­ing a thing I was in­spired to make. 

The col­li­sion of every­thing be­gan to make sense. Every­thing has a sto­ry. I be­gan to see pat­terns and group­ings form in the lit­tle equa­tions. I just kept go­ing. It be­came an or­ga­ni­za­tion­al sit­u­a­tion. I wrote, typed, scrib­bled, print­ed, cut and sort­ed. I bun­dled po­ems and notes with clothes­pins, stored and stacked in lit­tle box­es on my desk. Im­ages were stacked and stored for safe keep­ing as well. 


Soon, I had com­piled more than one book. Sil­ly me, even more po­ems slipped out! I weed­ed out the duds and tucked oth­ers away. (B‑Sides & Sketch­es) I fi­nal­ly stopped at five books, think­ing that was a good hand­ful – a whole fist!

Through­out the process, I strug­gled with for­mat and pre­sen­ta­tion. Do I clum­si­ly hand­write, or neat­ly align type? Do I con­struct all il­lus­tra­tions to be of uni­son, or cre­ate things in var­i­ous ways like I have al­ways been in­spired to see fit? Do I study po­et­ry trends and tu­to­ri­als, or just roll with my own low-lev­el gram­mar punch­es? I strug­gled with even want­i­ng to share these ex­tra-cur­ric­u­lar things I’m do­ing. Oh, the fear of re­leas­ing some­thing wild into the zoo! How­ev­er, I’m quite hap­py with the re­sults, and feel­ing bet­ter about who I am and what I have to make and show of it and the world around me and my mus­ings. If any­thing, it gave me more con­fi­dence to be me, and/or some sort of weird therapy.

Most cre­ators tend to list the logs in their in­spi­ra­tional wood box, so I fig­ured I should too. If cu­ri­ous where all these jum­bles might find fit and di­rec­tion from the per­spec­tive of the pop-cul­tur­al canon, I guess it’s okay to place them in an odd in­spired base­ment apart­ment chip­ping paint and tap­ping on pipes some­where off the grid of the lik­able-likes of the fol­low­ing … Shel Sil­ver­stein / Jim Hen­son / Pee-wee’s Play­house / Ren & Stimpy / Ed­ward Gorey / Ed­ward Lear / Alan Fletch­er / Mon­ty Python / Dr. Seuss / Dr. De­men­to / ’50s – ’60s – ’70s – ’80s pop, jin­gle and nov­el­ty songs / Roger Miller / Steve Mar­tin / John Lennon’s In His Own Write / Har­ry Nilsson’s The Point! / Bob Dylan’s 115th Dream / hu­mor sprin­kled in Bruce Spring­steen lyrics / chil­dren’s books / nurs­ery rhymes / folk art, etc.

Does that make sense? But, yeah, it’s not as good and with im­agery all over the map! And in gen­er­al, mix that with a whole lot of the muck my mind has stewed on a dai­ly ba­sis for decades, good and bad and ugly. Not to make a list of life, but here we go: Il­lu­mi­na­tion, beau­ty, chaos, mood, anx­i­ety, day­dream, ob­ses­sion, ob­ser­va­tion, alien­ation, faulty wiring and gut re­ac­tion. It’s all in there.

Large­ly, I look for much head scratch­ing and neck crick(et)s! But, it is my head. All you re­al­ly have to do with yours is nod and move on. As for me, once these books are banged out, there are oth­er ideas (some well on their way) for means of col­lec­tion and archival of both the present and the past with the doc­u­men­ta­tion of all the things I do. We’ll see. Oh, to stuff one’s own scare­crow! I’ve said enough. 

Any­way,    BUY BOOKS.

The  5  ti­tles avail­able are:

      Spit Tips Food Doof

      Soli­tary Robins

      A Win­dow to Crawl Through at the Foot of the Bed

      ​That Tin­gle You Feel is God Pulling Loose Threads

      ​​It’s a Tipped-in Im­age By Hu­man Hands

I am also work­ing on some new books. Thanks! 

—dan­ny joe gibson

Born to Mis­souri farm­ers in a 1970s bliz­zard, flom­mist Dan­ny Joe Gib­son is an artist in Kansas City, MO USA. He be­came a foot­note as graph­ic ar­ti­san DJG De­sign (2001–11) with a pile of work, no­tably mu­sic posters and pack­ag­ing. Copy­right © DJG.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Tue 2 Feb 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

