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been wanting to talk about this for awhile now and here’s a perfect example

On Sun­day, Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump thanked some of his sup­port­ers in Flori­da by retweet­ing a video of peo­ple dri­ving golf carts con­fronting anti-Trump pro­test­ers. Ear­ly in the video one of the sup­posed Trump sup­port­ers on a golf cars shouts ‘white pow­er’ with his fist raised at protesters.”
TIME, 28 June 2020

This is noth­ing new for Trump. In fact, the very first time Trump ap­peared in the pages of the New York Times, back in the 1970s, was when the US De­part­ment of Jus­tice sued him for racial dis­crim­i­na­tion. Since then, he has re­peat­ed­ly ap­peared in news­pa­per pages across the world as he in­spired more sim­i­lar controversies.”
VOX, 24 June 2020

He’s us­ing the language/symbols of White Supremacists”


If you can stomach
read­ing the lit­er­a­ture of White Su­prema­cist groups, you ab­solute­ly should be­cause it re­al­ly gives you in­sight to what they are do­ing and how they are so effective.

White Su­prema­cists know that White mid­dle Amer­i­ca is not here for their overt racism, pre­fer­ring more the in­sti­tu­tion­al racism that keeps their hands clean. 

So in or­der to con­nect and work to­geth­er, they code their mes­sag­ing be­hind sym­bols, lan­guage, nu­mer­i­cal val­ues, etc (the ADL has a great data­base of these things).

They also know, no mat­ter how they code their mes­sag­ing, Left­ists will al­ways rec­og­nize them. They talk about this in great length in their lit­er­a­ture. They fo­cus a lot on how Lib­er­als are dupes and Left­ists are the real threat to their cause. So they have to use strate­gies that not only ad­vance their cause, but also dis­cred­it and de­pow­er Leftists.

In or­der to dis­cred­it Left­ists and con­tin­ue their op­er­a­tions, one of the most com­mon meth­ods they de­ploy are gaslight­ing tech­niques (most fa­mous­ly the OK hand ges­ture). This is ex­treme­ly ef­fec­tive be­cause we’ll point to some­thing as an ex­am­ple of proof of their White Su­prema­cy but they de­ploy it in a way that leaves them free of cul­pa­bil­i­ty and the Left look­ing like crazy con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist just read­ing into shit.

They love it, they know it works. They talk about it con­stant­ly.

Trump and his ad­min could have tweet­ed any clip. Hell, they could have edit­ed the ex­ist­ing clip.

This was done in­ten­tion­al­ly, but it was done in a way where he can say “I didn’t say it, we’re so against racism, we don’t even no­tice it, you guys are just look­ing for ways to con­firm your nar­ra­tive about me be­ing racist. You’re the real prob­lem here, read­ing into every­thing and lis­ten­ing to the ly­ing media.”

It works too, time and again. Here are some examples:

•   Retweet­ing from a White Geno­cide Twit­ter account
.    .    .    (not his tweet)

•  “Save your her­itage” com­mon re­cruit­ment lan­guage of NeoNazis
.    .    .    (I meant Amer­i­can heritage)

•  Call­ing im­mi­gra­tion “an in­va­sion” lan­guage specif­i­cal­ly from The Order’s White Geno­cide Manifesto
.    .    .    (you’re read­ing into it)

•  Good peo­ple on both sides
.    .    .    (I said both sides)

•  “When the loot­ing starts, the shoot­ing starts”
.    .    .    (didn’t know)

•  Dis­cussed the “great re­place­ment the­o­ry” with Tuck­er Carlson
.    .    .    (just fight­ing il­le­gal immigration)

•  “Let­ting peo­ple in from Eu­rope” more White Geno­cide language
.    .    .    (Eu­ro­pean im­mi­gra­tion is down)

•  Tweet­ed pic­ture of Hillary Clin­ton with piles of cash & Star of David a nod to Zion­ist Gov­ern­ment Oc­cu­pa­tion theory
.    .    .    (we all know Hillary’s corrupt!)

•  Robo­calls from Jared Tay­lor de­mand­ing white immigrants
.    .    .    (it was him not me, I disavow)

•  David Duke endorsement
.    .    .    (can’t con­trol what he does, I disavow)


Trump him­self may not have a di­rect af­fil­i­a­tion with a spe­cif­ic WS group, but the point is we’re sup­posed to think this is all co­in­ci­dence, that’s the tac­tic. Ab­solute­ly one uses this many ref­er­ences to the “White Geno­cide” con­spir­a­cy with­out hav­ing at least en­ter­tained the idea in their minds. There are also more overt White Su­prema­cists in his cab­i­net – Stephen Miller is the best ex­am­ple.

And no mat­ter how you look at it, Trump is de­ploy­ing this tac­tic and ad­vanc­ing the White Su­prema­cist cause. Whether as a true be­liev­er (I think he is) or just cap­i­tal­iz­ing on the cause, peo­ple need to be way more aware of what White Su­prema­cist groups are do­ing be­cause whether or not we ac­knowl­edge it, they be­lieve they are in a race war against us and sad­ly, have made sig­nif­i­cant ad­vances af­ter 9/ıı shift­ed the fo­cus of fed­er­al law en­force­ment agencies.

So ul­ti­mate­ly
when some­one says “he’s us­ing the language/symbols of White Su­prema­cists” be­lieve them be­cause White Su­prema­cist groups specif­i­cal­ly count on you not be­liev­ing them in or­der to progress their cause.


—na­tal­ie michelle

Flom­mist Na­tal­ie Michelle does­n’t have a bio. She just rants. Copy­right © 2020 Na­tal­ie Michelle. Foto (cropped) source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 28 Jun 2020

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