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black people can be anti-black

i m o
anti-Black­ness is will­ful­ly en­gag­ing in be­hav­ior that will even­tu­al­ly lead to more deaths of Black lives via ac­tivist rhetoric or actions.

Be­ing pro-Black as it per­tains to politics
i m o
is when you en­gage in po­lit­i­cal strate­gies that pro­tect Black lives. For example,
i m o
anti-Black­ness would be when a Black per­son calls you out for be­ing a neo-lib­er­al when you want to get Trump out of office.

Trump has made it clear that he is out to kill as many black/brown peo­ple as possible.

If you’re a Black per­son try­ing to buck the sys­tem with “protest the De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty” rhetoric and mes­sag­ing, then know that this is anti-Blackness.

Be­cause 4 more years of Trump will ab­solute­ly get more Black peo­ple killed then a Biden/Harris ticket.

Anti-Black­ness also looks like Black peo­ple who say not to vote be­cause the sys­tem is jacked.

Folks, MLK was an ex­treme­ly smart man who had ex­treme­ly smart peo­ple around him.

When MLK was march­ing to get vot­ing rights for Black peo­ple he un­der­stood that the sys­tem was jacked. Still, he did what he did be­cause he knew the pow­er of the vote de­spite the sys­tem be­ing jacked was important.

The truth?

The ONLY way that we as Black folks are go­ing to change the sys­tem w/less then 100 days to an elec­tion is to com­plete­ly blow the whole thing up. And while that might sound real sexy to all of you who feel like you are ready to do so please also un­der­stand what I mean by this.

You all will lit­er­al­ly have to GO TO THE WHITE HOUSE w/pitchforks, fire and noos­es. You think I’m kid­ding? If you think I am, you’d be wrong.

You will lit­er­al­ly have to sac­ri­fice your lives – yes, po­ten­tial­ly die to have this type of over­throw­ing of this ad­min­is­tra­tion happen.

More­over, this will be the cause of more Black deaths than any oth­er way.

We al­ready know that this sys­tem is de­signed to have ab­solute­ly no prob­lem killing Black peo­ple en masse, we have enough ev­i­dence to know that this is real.

There­fore, you must ask your­self – when you say we need to “boy­cott the De­mo­c­ra­t­ic tick­et” I am left to think do YOU know that this is where you’re headed?

Look around the world right now – what we are see­ing in Be­larusTHIS is what lies in our future.

Black peo­ple: Are you pre­pared for THIS? Are you RE­AL­LY pre­pared? Be­cause I’m go­ing to go ahead and say not only are you NOT pre­pared for this, but if you can’t see that this is what’s nec­es­sary then you are naïve.

You are naïve to think that the protests that we have been do­ing are go­ing to make the type of change that you’re talk­ing about be­ing suc­cess­ful at achieving.

No, white su­prema­cy will not go that qui­et­ly. As we speak, they are mak­ing laws to fur­ther crim­i­nal­ize peaceful/non vi­o­lent protests. As I write this, they are crim­i­nal­iz­ing our only way to stand up for ourselves.

Are you pre­pared to not go to work – not live your soft and cushy ac­tivist life scream­ing at every­body on the in­ter­net from the com­fort of your couch while you watch Net­flix? Yeah sure, you might be out in the streets – so you think you can take it, but what lies ahead is noth­ing that any of us – even you – are pre­pared for.

Hon­est­ly, you need to stand down and get a clue about the long game that is be­fore us now.

Is it soooo hard to just be on the same page for once? This is how we got Trump in the first place. Why? Be­cause the GOP ex­e­cute bet­ter strat­e­gy then us EVERY TIME.

It is the ego, nar­cis­sism, in­abil­i­ty to re­al­ize the val­ue of the long game in tan­dem w/pushing for sweep­ing change and the will­ful ig­no­rance of this ne­ces­si­ty that got us here.

It is the lack of not see­ing every­one who doesn’t do/act or agree w your pol­i­tics 100% as worth it from those who lead anti-op­pres­sion move­ments that are the cat­a­lyst for bad de­ci­sion mak­ing and agen­das that lack strat­e­gy and re­sult in more of the same garbage results.

Sure, we might get some leg­is­la­tion here or pol­i­cy passed there but we need to put this in bet­ter per­spec­tive: It’s tak­en us 400+ years to get where we are and they’re STILL killing us w/impunity.

Why am I so salty?

Be­cause it is not even 8 a.m. and I have al­ready been called a neo-lib­er­al and trai­tor by a Black transwoman on so­cial me­dia all be­cause I would not pub­licly bash Ka­mala Har­ris – an­oth­er Black woman. My in­tegri­ty and com­mit­ment to Black lives ques­tioned all be­fore my first cup of coffee?!


I’ll be the first to ad­mit – that I am not ready to go to DC w/a pitch­fork and a noose to tear down this sys­tem, but I will say that any­one who is try­ing to amplify/promote anti de­mo­c­ra­t­ic messaging/ticket this late in the game I am go­ing to start call­ing “Pro­Trumpers.”

Be­cause un­der­neath it all, de­spite them not say­ing it out loud, this is ab­solute­ly what is be­ing im­plied and you should know.

You should know that try­ing to do this now, this late in the game is the per­fect strat­e­gy for Trump to win, again.

And if you say you’re not pro­Trump then what else could you be? Pro against the system?

Per­spec­tive: Un­less you have a good strat­e­gy to get the de­sired re­sult of bust­ing the sys­tem and get­ting a 3rd par­ty con­tender in less then 100 days, then there is no room for your protest in this elec­tion cycle.

Be­cause all I will hear, see and think is that you’re pro­Trump – so don’t be mad if I start call­ing you “Kanye.”



—jasper james

Flom­mist Jasper James is a mul­ti­fac­eted di­ver­si­ty-trained en­tre­pre­neur, mul­ti-in­stru­men­tal­ist/ writer, event pro­duc­er, and for­mer Bill­board Record­ing Artist. They are also the co-founder of Ac­tivism Ar­tic­u­lat­ed, and Women’s March Blac, an all-Black branch of Women’s March Na­tion­al Lead­er­ship. Jasper is on the ACLU Sacra­men­to Chap­ter Board and the Sacra­men­to Stonewall De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Club (PAC) and is an ac­tive mem­ber of the ACLU Speak­ers Bu­reau. They were also one of only five Black sit­ting fe­male Pres­i­dents in the na­tion for the Women’s March Sacra­men­to Chap­ter. Copy­right © 2020 Jasper James. Im­ages snagged via the in­ter­webs, in­clud­ing.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Thu 13 Aug 2020

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