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  chunks of flommus 


zeitgeist historical

your last 13 days been like this…

oct 31
> North Ko­rea nu­clear site col­lapsed killing 200
> Man­hat­tan NY Ter­ror Truck
> As­sange calls out CIA for fund­ing terror
> Twit­ter Google & FB ap­pear be­fore congress

+nov 1

+nov 2
> Twit­ter ad­mits to cen­sor­ship of the podes­ta email leaks (2 days af­ter ap­pear­ing be­fore congress)
> Den­ver shooting
> Brazille in me­dia oust­ing clinton

++nov 3
> Wik­ileaks DDOS
> Soros fund man­ag­er Howie Ru­bin ar­rest­ed for sex trafficking
> PO­TUS twit­ter hack
> So­ma­li Airstrike

+++nov 4
> Mass Sau­di ar­rests of cor­rup­tion 30 princes more to come (Al­waleed bin ta­lal main focus)

++++nov 5
> Sau­di Copter Crash
> Texas Church Shooting
> Par­adise Pa­pers leak
> Up to 12 sealed in­dict­ments at capitol

+++++nov 6
> All 7 US car­ri­ers in operation/ sev­en dwarfs
> Mas­sive internet/comms out­age reported
> Saudi’s con­fis­cat­ed $bil­lions af­ter arrests
> Fat Leonard Scan­dal breaks

++++++nov 7
> Leaked Is­raeli ca­ble out­lines at­tempt to pro­voke war along­side SA
> 17 Indictments
> We­in­stein Black Cube/Feldman NYPD
> DNC Leak Investigation
> Buz­zfeed sued for pub­lish­ing dossier
> As­sange tweets UNTIEDSTATES
> FBI RAIDS MED­CURE a body bro­ker com­pa­ny with 5 USA lo­ca­tions whom is do­nat­ed and sells body parts
> New FBI di­rec­tor Wray states ‘this place is worse than we thought’

+++++++nov 8
> “Jet Set Debt Col­lec­tors” Re­port $2 Tril­lion in pend­ing claims around globe for SU­PER RICH
> PO­TUS pulls a swim move on DMZ
> DOJ de­mands Move­ment of CNN in ANti-Trust in­volv­ing AT&T
> U.S. sub­poe­nas Ic­ahn over BIOFUEL
> Oba­ma Re­ports for Jury Duty (PHIL__BO_EXT_ 2 days prior)
> Or­tho­dox ten­sion in Jerusalem, Israel
> Cuba em­bar­go Strength­ened af­ter at­tack on US representative 

++++++++nov 9
> New JFK FILES RE­LEASE *13,213 more
> Vault 8
> Comet Ping Pong un­der investigation
> In­dict­ment ru­mors out the ASS
> Macron to SA amid chaos
> Chi­na re­veals hy­per­son­ic strike aircraft
> Rus­sia Ac­ci­dent Pol­lu­tion re­port from FRENCH NU­CLEAR SAFE­TY IN­STI­TUTE; sig­nif­i­cant quan­ti­ty of Ruthe­ni­um 106, claim­ing plau­si­ble zone of re­lease of lies be­tween The Urals riv­er and the Vol­ga riv­er which is a large swath of land strad­dling the RU­SIA KAZA­KHSTAN BORDER
> Ex Face­book Pres­i­dent ousts FB as ex­ploit­ing hu­man psychology.

+++++++++nov 10
> In­ves­ti­ga­tors ques­tion Ne­tanyahu again
> ISIS hacks ra­dio sweden
> TSA fail­ing 80% un­der­cov­er tests
> Home­land warns of weaponized drones/aviation threats
> Sau­di or­ders cit­i­zens out of lebanon
> Self Dri­ving bus crashes
> Toulouse Terror
> Trump/China Trade deal/NK support
> APEC SUM­MIT Commencement
> Mueller Fly­nn im­pli­ca­tions in me­dia Fly­nn lawyers scoff at reports
> Pros­e­cu­tors ad­mit de­stroy­ing key emails in as­sange case
> Bin Laden half broth­er arrested

++++++++++nov 11
> Char­lotte air traf­fic con­trolled ar­rest­ed ac­cused of hav­ing a WMD
> SA es­ca­la­tions with Iran, jets scramble
> Rus­sia scan­dal be­falls John & Tony Podes­ta, Podes­ta Group Epic Collapse
> NASA test­ing lasers in lat­est test launch
> ISIS Philip­pines fac­tions threat­en POTUS
> 4‑day Joint OP W/ SK on E Coast of peninsula
> US & Rus­sia call for U.N. Su­per­vised elec­tions in syria

[feed in­ter­rupt­ed by Danc­ing With The Stars semifinals]

is to­day a tuesday?
my fa­vorite day of the week.
prob­a­bly the scor­pio in me…
mars day. con­sis­tent­ly been my best days. been feel­ing the vibes heavy on twos dayz…

that ag ses­sions testimony…
boy they are fighting…
this is my mma geak­out moment!

event is here…
en­joy the ride!

just giv­ing folks a heads up…
his­to­ry be­ing writ­ten in front of our eyes…
we will see how plays out…
stay safe stay alert…
every­thing is not like it seems…

love light and good juju


Flom­mist Bri­an-An­tho­ny is a for­mer artist, crafts­man and de­sign­er turned part time law stu­dent via YouTube and Google, works at a print shop, full time fa­ther, all around Good Samar­i­tan, en­joys a fine sati­va, read­ing and Ari­zona Green Tea. Copy­right © 2017 Bri­an-An­tho­ny.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
drawing attention to works by nü  +  upcoming artists,
designers, writers, musicians  +  MOR

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is mostly paid for out of pocket or in trade

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                all our  FLOMMHAUS  merch is made to order

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Der Tung
Tue 14 Nov 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

