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take note: the new seven dirty words

There are some peo­ple that aren’t into all the words. There are some that would have you not use cer­tain words. Yeah, there are 400,000 words in the Eng­lish lan­guage and there are 7 of them that you can’t say on tele­vi­sion. What a ra­tio that is! 399,993 to 7. They must re­al­ly be bad. They’d have to be out­ra­geous to be sep­a­rat­ed from a group that large.”
George Car­lin, The Sev­en Dirty Words You Can’t Say on Tele­vi­sion, 1972

In De­cem­ber, at the height of the #metoo move­ment, a 30-year-old fem­i­nist with an art his­to­ry de­gree … be­gan a pe­ti­tion that gar­nered thou­sands of re­spons­es and made head­lines in the New York Times. Her re­quest? That the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Mu­se­um of Art should warn its view­ers about the dan­gers of look­ing at art.”
Bari Weiss, The New Sev­en Dirty Words

Democ­ra­cy de­mands that we’re able also to get in­side the re­al­i­ty of peo­ple who are dif­fer­ent than us so we can un­der­stand their point of view. Maybe we can change their minds, but maybe they’ll change ours. And you can’t do this if you just out of hand dis­re­gard what your op­po­nents have to say from the start. And you can’t do it if you in­sist that those who aren’t like you – be­cause they’re white, or be­cause they’re male – that some­how there’s no way they can un­der­stand what I’m feel­ing, that some­how they lack stand­ing to speak on cer­tain matters.”
Barack Oba­ma, on iden­ti­ty pol­i­tics, South Africa speech 17 July 2018

We’re liv­ing in­creas­ing­ly in a cul­ture in which the mere sug­ges­tion of lis­ten­ing – and hear­ing the oth­er side – im­plies com­plic­i­ty in some malev­o­lent enterprise.”
Bari Weiss

The main ef­fect is that these end­less ac­cu­sa­tions of fas­cism, of misog­y­ny, of racism, of alt-right, dull the ef­fects of the words them­selves. As they are stripped of mean­ing, they strip us … of our abil­i­ty to re­act force­ful­ly to real fas­cists, to real misog­y­nists, and real mem­bers of the alt-right.”
Bari Weiss

Know­ing that the moral­i­ty of 2018 isn’t the end­point of his­to­ry should in­form the way we view those that came be­fore us.”
Bari Weiss

Please watch. It’ll make you feel hope­ful while still ground­ed in re­al­i­ty and humanity.”
Kel­ly Carlin

Just a few quotes to start off.

The Balthus art dis­course re­mind­ed me of not only the art dis­claimer at the bot­tom of this page (go look) – and not only the lev­els of dis­cus­sion that can and should hap­pen re­gard­ing not just art his­to­ry, but life and who we are so­cial­ly – BUT also of stu­dents who’ve ques­tioned my aca­d­e­m­ic dis­cus­sion top­ics in the class­room (I do NOT shy away from ANY top­ic) as well as the PAN­IC that fol­lowed a re­post of a stu­pid mi­crowave meme on our Face­book page.

Whew. Long sentence.

Hu­mans have the ca­pac­i­ty to hold di­ver­gent thoughts in their head. To think for them­selves. To make mis­takes and learn from them. To draw pow­er­ful con­clu­sions that are not based on trends, wat we must hate (all Amer­i­cans have a list, no?) and wat’s trend­ing this week. We need to get back to this. We need to get back to rea­son­ing. And stop get­ting stuck in the swamp. 

Bari Weiss’ in­tro­duc­tion of The New Sev­en Dirty Words (be­low) is not a sound byte. It’s re­al­ly long, but re­al­ly worth it. Turn on the au­dio, take notes. 

*There’ll be a quiz later.

*Quiz will show up in Real Life as do most ed­u­ca­tion­al things we tend to overlook.


—steve mehal­lo

Flom­mist Steve Mehal­lo is a graph­ic de­sign­er, il­lus­tra­tor, font de­sign­er, ed­u­ca­tor, food­ie and gad­fly. He is the cre­ator and founder of FLOMM! Thanks to Kel­ly Car­lin for shar­ing. Foto source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 29 Jul 2018

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

