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the iron lady and crooked hillary

So I’ve been think­ing about the elec­tion re­cent­ly, as I’m sure many peo­ple have. And in some ways, for me, this isn’t about Hillary’s pol­i­tics, or Trump’s insanity. 

I grew up in Eng­land. I was born in 1977, so by the time I was start­ing to walk and talk, the UK had its first fe­male Prime Min­is­ter – Mar­garet Thatcher. 

I don’t want to talk about her pol­i­tics here, be­cause as a kid, I didn’t re­al­ly un­der­stand pol­i­tics, didn’t un­der­stand how poli­cies af­fect the lives of count­less people. 

But what I did un­der­stand, was that from the time I was 2, un­til the time I was 14, the UK was led by a very pow­er­ful woman. She stood toe to toe with Ronald Rea­gan. She, along with the Queen, rep­re­sent­ed the most pow­er­ful po­si­tion in my nation. 

Sure, peo­ple called her bossy, or “The Most Un­pop­u­lar Woman in Britain.” She was called shrill — un­til Sir Lau­rence Olivi­er helped her by in­tro­duc­ing her to his voice coach. She was even dubbed “The Iron Lady.”

A lot of peo­ple didn’t like “Mag­gie” but then, that didn’t mat­ter to my child self. What I re­al­ized re­cent­ly was that every time so­ci­ety tells me that women should ac­cept less, or are less im­por­tant, or when we’re told that we’re emo­tion­al, or bossy, or shrill, that the sta­tus quo is as it should be, and al­ways will be, well, every time I hear those mes­sages, ver­bal­ly or oth­er­wise, I don’t be­lieve them. 

I don’t be­lieve them be­cause my child self knows, at her core, that if one of the most pow­er­ful coun­tries in the world can be ruled for over a decade by the daugh­ter of a green­gro­cer, well then every ar­gu­ment you could pos­si­bly make is wrong. 

Mag­gie her­self didn’t be­lieve that she’d ever see a fe­male Prime Min­is­ter in her life­time, and then she proved her­self wrong. She isn’t a role mod­el for me in terms of her pol­i­tics, she isn’t some­one I ever as­pired to be, but she stands at the core of me every time I fight for di­ver­si­ty, fight against dis­crim­i­na­tion, fight to achieve the things I want to with my life. I will nev­er feel in­fe­ri­or be­cause of my gen­der, be­cause the Iron Lady showed me what bull­shit that was be­fore I could even read.

A lot of peo­ple don’t like “Hills” but then, that doesn’t mat­ter to the lit­tle girls grow­ing up to­day. You might not agree with her pol­i­tics. You might think she’s the most cor­rupt per­son ever to run for of­fice (you’d be wrong, but that could be your opinion.) 

You might even think that Trump is the less­er of two evils. But none of that mat­ters to your daugh­ters, grand­daugh­ters, nieces and even to your sons, grand­sons and nephews. What every­one in this coun­try re­al­ly needs the next gen­er­a­tion to be­lieve, down to their core, is that no­body is in­fe­ri­or be­cause of their gender. 

Kids to­day have the ben­e­fit of see­ing Oba­ma, and know­ing that no mat­ter how many times some­one may tell you that a black kid can’t do some­thing, he’s al­ready the ex­am­ple show­ing you that that’s bull­shit. Now we need the same for our lit­tle girls, so they can grow up know­ing that dis­crim­i­na­tion is some­thing that we should have left be­hind long ago, and every ar­gu­ment you can make? It’s Bullshit.

Go Vote. Vote for Hillary not be­cause you hate Trump. Not even be­cause you like her. Vote be­cause all our chil­dren need you to stand up and say “A woman can’t run the most pow­er­ful coun­try in the world? Bullshit.”

—suzanne leib­rick

Flom­mist Suzanne Leib­rick is BRITISH, and thus an au­thor­i­ty on every­thing, es­pe­cial­ly be­ing a vil­lain in the movies. Of­fi­cial­ly, she’s a 3D light­ing and tex­ture artist – as well as copy ed­i­tor for the FLOMM! web­site. Copy­right © 2016 Suzanne Leib­rick. Pic­tured: Mar­garet Thatch­er with Ronald Rea­gan at the Rea­gan Pres­i­den­tial Li­brary, 1981, source.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sun 6 Nov 2016

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