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reality and deception

I was not will­ing to stand be­side you as I watched you de­ceive yourself.
Away from the re­al­i­ties we faced you escaped.
I ran af­ter you de­ceiv­ing my­self to be­liefs on how I caused this and how I could change it.
I was only a vic­tim to your per­cep­tion of me and my own self feed­ing it every mo­ment I back tracked away from my place.
When I was strong enough to es­cape this chase I still saw my true self con­firmed by a gift giv­en by another.
You raped me. I don’t know now if you were even aware why you did that action.
Sure the al­co­hol did not pro­vide you the chance to even think through it but you knew my deep­est pain.
I knew yours. My leav­ing is some­thing you will nev­er for­give me for and I know it.
You lived in this re­al­i­ty ig­nor­ing all the things you had done that made my leav­ing seem unreasonable.
It seemed pur­pose­ful. Rather than it be­ing the best thing for both of us.
You only sought af­ter that to put me in pun­ish­ment as you lived im­pris­oned by a bottle.
One I tried to break. A ma­li­cious bat­tle to stab the knife deep­er into one another.
You nev­er dropped the knife be­hind my back. And I al­ways reached for mine in front of your face.
You only al­lowed your­self to see my re­sponse as you hid the knife be­hind my back.
I be­came the mis­guid­ed one.
The crazy one.
Only to feed again to a new re­al­i­ty you wished to create.
As you spoke words to say “if I face this prob­lem it will be­come a reality.”
I lived through it. Not with­out al­ter­ing ef­fects I see are not who I want to be.
Your life will con­tin­ue and where I don’t know.
I can see so many di­rec­tions and I still feel responsible.
Why do I feel responsible?
The only di­rec­tion I want to see for you is the one where you face your realities.
But the only way I could ever see that is if I ig­nore my own reality.

—al­ley scheffki

Flom­mist Al­ley Schef­f­ki is 22 years young, ‘I am the blue rose. Dies ist ein wun­sch für frei­heit.’ Copy­right © 2016 Al­ley Scheffki.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
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Der Tung
Sat 17 Sep 2016

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

