watch the FLOMM trailer!
@FLOMMUS bluesky! FLOMM instagram! FLOMM facebook! buy us a coffee


  chunks of flommus 


janice, fanny + april, o my! the flomm 2024 pin-up calendar

Late gift? Need to show a loved one ex­act­ly how late you are for the var­i­ous hol­i­day-de­ter­mined gift­ing dates? 

Prob­a­bly can’t beat this! 

And sounds like you might even need one for yourself:


An­oth­er year, right around the corner
mak­ing me feel like time has me up­side down —

much like the main fig­ure in the brand nü 2024 FLOMM CAL­EN­DARIO


While that might feel like a rough tran­si­tion, isn’t that in it­self in the spir­it of cal­en­dars themselves? 

Rough tran­si­tion of time based on num­bers de­cid­ed by peo­ple who we’ll nev­er know. 


At least we get to de­cide what those num­bered days are full of, at least sometimes.



One sheet POSTER de­signed by FLOMM founder Steve Mehal­lo show­cas­ing month­ly sketch­book pin-ups by il­lus­tra­tor Matt Rop­er. Pushed along by Jeanne Mehal­lo and Lau­ren Richard­son. As with all FLOMM stuffs, collaboration-made. 

And it’s got twelve ladies! All fil­tered thru a MOD­ERN FLOM­MUS lens. 



Mul­ti­ple pa­per, size and even fram­ing op­tions, made to order.
Dig­i­tal down­load also available. 

Be­cause you re­al­ly do still care.


—milk sur­face

Flom­mist Milk Sur­face – known as the res­i­dent Jack Off of RADíO FLoMM – is a Sacra­men­to artist and col­lab­o­ra­tor in a horned beanie. Seek­ing to learn more meth­ods of art, de­sign and man­u­fac­tur­ing, they set out to make vi­su­als for com­mu­ni­ty dri­ven pas­sion projects like STAB Com­e­dy, FLOMM and mor. Copy­right © 2023 Milk Surface.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


promotes learning  +  education worldwide
drawing attention to works by nü  +  upcoming artists,
designers, writers, musicians  +  MOR

– however –
is mostly paid for out of pocket or in trade

wat  FLOMM  is doing here, please consider

1.   LEAVE US A TIP  :
use our tip jar whenever the mood hits

2.   BUY OUR SWAG  :
our approach is semi-green —
                all our  FLOMMHAUS  merch is made to order

3.   HELP US OUT  :
use our hashtags  #flomm  #flommus  #whereisflomm  #nüflommart  #flommist
when posting on ur socials —
or drop us a note and offer to help in some way
everything we do is on a volunteer basis —
             when we say  YOU CAN BE A FLOMMIST TOO  this is wat we mean

your support helps our continued efforts
to create content across numerous platforms

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Der Tung
Wed 20 Dec 2023

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

flomm social media may contain explicit content foul language, questionable ideas, and art

