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just passing on wat i find on the fringes

I am try­ing a new thing of em­brac­ing the theories …
too many times folks clam up out­ta fear of be­ing ridiculed …

three stan­dard de­vi­a­tions away from the mean …
it is all fiction …
all make believe …
all illusion …

so i can be­lieve what i want …
be­lieve or dont believe …

ei­ther way you are correct …


Anony­mous (ID: fKw0X5UQ) 11/04/17(Sat)08:42:19 No.147902628

1) This start­ed ei­ther be­fore Trump an­nounced his run for Pres­i­dent, or soon there­after. Some­one who knew what hap­pened told him.
2) SOME­ONE in the IC, like­ly mil­i­tary in­tel, sat Trump down & laid out the en­tire #Ura­ni­u­mOne bribery scheme.
3) How all across the breadth of the Oba­ma Ad­min­is­tra­tion peo­ple in high of­fices took mas­sive bribes to fa­cil­i­tate sell of ura­ni­um to Russia
4) It in­volved so many peo­ple, it com­pro­mised so many agen­cies, the peo­ple who did it count­ed on it nev­er be­ing ex­posed or prosecuted.
5) The lengths to which they cor­rupt­ed our gov­ern­ment of­fices to en­rich them­selves by sell­ing out our coun­try vir­tu­al­ly EN­SURED they’d walk.
6) Peo­ple knew but no­body could talk, the peo­ple in­volved in the scheme were at the HIGH­EST lev­els of the Amer­i­can government.
7) So pa­tri­ots in our gov­’t had their hands tied. There was noth­ing they could do to stop the sale.
8) Even af­ter SOME of the dirty facts be­hind #Ura­ni­u­mOne be­came known in 2015, it was eas­i­ly buried, ig­nored, passed by.
9) Some­body took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened.
Pon­der the im­pos­si­ble task be­ing revealed.
10) Even if he WINS the elec­tion, he’d be tak­ing over a gov­’t that had been cor­rupt­ed & com­pro­mised by the pre­vi­ous ad­min­is­tra­tion to a
11) de­gree that was al­most unfathomable.
HOW do you go about restor­ing the US gov­’t to what it should be, in­stead of what it’s become?
12) And Trump and his ad­vi­sors came up with a plan.
A bril­liant plan. An in­tel­li­gence op­er­a­tion based on DECEPTION.
13) It start­ed dur­ing the pri­maries when Trump be­gan tak­ing every op­por­tu­ni­ty he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he’d be with Putin.
14) Trump lit­er­al­ly could not seem to SHUT UP about how awe­some­ly AWE­SOME his re­la­tion­ship with Putin was gonna be.
15) It be­came a run­ning joke, a cam­paign fea­ture, en­gen­der­ing much hand wring­ing & con­cern among Nev­er Trumpers, in­clud­ing me at the time.
16) WHY does Trump keep go­ing out of his way to in­ces­sant­ly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?
17) But go back and look. Dur­ing the pri­maries, dur­ing the gen­er­al elec­tion cam­paign, what hap­pened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?
18) He *lit­er­al­ly* trolled all the peo­ple who took dirty Russ­ian $ to com­pro­mise our nat’l se­cu­ri­ty into AT­TACK­ING HIM FOR IT.
19) And all HE was do­ing was TALK­ING ABOUT SOME­THING HE HAD­N’T DONE YET and would NEV­ER re­al­ly do.
20) Lit­er­al­ly ever sin­gle time Trump talked about his good friend Vladimir, Hillary ‘re­mind­ed’ him Putin is…NOT our ally!
21) Oba­ma con­de­scend­ing­ly chid­ed Trump for his friend­ly talk about Putin. Hold­er was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.
22) They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about do­ing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAI­TORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URA­NI­UM TO.
23) He’s talk­ing about hy­po­thet­i­cal deals with Rus­sia & peo­ple who took mas­sive Russ­ian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to AT­TACK HIM for it.
24) What pos­si­ble EX­CUSE are they go­ing to have when the truth comes out?
They’re not go­ing to have one. He made SURE of that.
25) Every­thing Trump does is cal­cu­lat­ed for effect.
So now you know why he showed all that ‘Putin-Love’ dur­ing the campaign.
26) The trai­tors had no idea what he was re­al­ly do­ing & rushed to at­tack him for mere­ly TALK­ING about do­ing deals with Russia.
27) Then Trump won the elec­tion. He and Ses­sions went to work.
Now here’s some­thing peo­ple over­look or don’t understand.
Pay attention
28) All this stuff about #Ura­ni­u­mOne we’re now just find­ing out?
Trump & Ses­sions knew about ALL OF THIS be­fore they were sworn in.
29) Part of the in­tel­li­gence op­er­a­tion Trump & Co. are run­ning is you nev­er show what you know, you keep your en­e­my in the dark.
30) Trump & Ses­sions knew about ALL the de­tails of #Ura­ni­u­mOne BE­FORE the election.
Who got how much, from who, all of it.
31) How much ura­ni­um was be­ing shipped to Moscow, who fa­cil­i­tat­ed that ship­ping, they al­ready KNOW all of this.
32) They just haven’t TALKED about un­til now. They PRE­TEND they are just now be­com­ing aware of some of this stuff.
33) There was NO WAY they were go­ing to come into of­fice in Jan­u­ary & tip all these peo­ple off “Yeah hey we’re go­ing af­ter #Ura­ni­u­mOne!”
34) Trump & Ses­sions know what hap­pened with #Ura­ni­u­mOne. All the dark, dirty de­tails. START with that premise, re­play the last 9 months.
35) You need to start an in­ves­ti­ga­tion where some­body deep dives into #Ura­ni­u­mOne BUT you can’t let any­body out­side KNOW that.
36) So here’s where the sec­ond part of the in­tel­li­gence op­er­a­tion begins.
You con­vince peo­ple it’s TRUMP & HIS TEAM be­ing investigated.
37) All the trai­tors who fa­cil­i­tat­ed the #Ura­ni­u­mOne deal were on high alert af­ter the trans­fer of pow­er. Will they be sniffed out?
38) Well not to wor­ry. Al­most IM­ME­DI­ATE­LY the new Pres­i­dent & his team end up be­ing em­broiled in a very pub­lic scandal.
39) Trump asks Comey to back off of Fly­nn, then fires Comey, who leaks mem­os to the NYT’s & DE­MANDS ap­point­ment of a Spe­cial Counsel.
40) With a Pres­i­dent who bragged about do­ing deals with Rus­sia, an ad­vi­sor caught on the phone with the Russ­ian ambassador.….
41) …every­body AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let’s ap­point a spe­cial coun­sel to in­ves­ti­gate RUSS­IAN IN­TER­FER­ENCE in our elec­tion! So be it.
42) Jeff Ses­sions then re­cus­es him­self from the Russ­ian in­ves­ti­ga­tion. [But re­mem­ber: HE AL­READY KNOWS EVERY­THING ANYWAY]
43) Deputy AG Rod Rosen­stein then ap­points Bob Mueller & tasks him with in­ves­ti­ga­tion Russ­ian in­ter­fer­ence in the 2016 election.
44) MUELLER AND ROSEN­STEIN *both* al­ready know that Trump & Ses­sions BOTH know all the de­tails of #Ura­ni­u­mOne.
Got that?
45) Every­body in­volved in this AL­READY KNOWS. Every­body was in on this from the start. Trump, Ses­sions, Mueller & Rosenstein.
47) A lot of sce­nar­ios go wrong be­cause they start by as­sum­ing Trump was clue­less, did­n’t know any of this, Ses­sions did­n’t ei­ther or
48) was part of the #Ura­ni­u­mOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosen­stein, whom many as­sume to be dirty, try­ing to HIDE the evidence.
49) An in­tel­li­gence op­er­a­tion based on de­cep­tion calls for putting the en­e­my at EASE be­cause they don’t un­der­stand what you’re RE­AL­LY doing.
50) So: what do the #Ura­ni­u­mOne trai­tors & DNC Me­dia & De­moc­rats THINK has been go­ing on for the last 8 moths?
51) Trump has been STAG­GER­ING on the ropes in des­per­ate trou­ble try­ing to avoid a KNOCK­OUT BLOW as Mueller re­lent­less­ly stalks him!
52) The re­al­i­ty? Mueller has been dig­ging even deep­er into #Ura­ni­u­mOne & into #Fu­sionG­PS & the Trump dossier.
53) He *has* found Russ­ian in­ter­fer­ence in the 2016 election.
Do you know what it was?
Shall I tell you?
54) He found a MAS­SIVE Russ­ian bribery scheme in­volv­ing 1 of the Pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates in which she com­pro­mised US nat’l security.
55) He *also* found this self­same can­di­date il­le­gal­ly fund­ing so­lic­i­ta­tion of info from Russ­ian gov­’t sources to smear the OTH­ER candidate.
56) And to com­pound THAT of­fense, this can­di­date also tried to HIDE her fund­ing of this dossier by us­ing a law firm, which is illegal.
57) The in­ves­ti­ga­tion is most­ly over. Most of the in­dict­ments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed.
58) You’re all about to wit­ness some­thing that was deemed to be an impossibility.
59) A pre­vi­ous ad­min­is­tra­tion that was so cor­rupt across so many agen­cies with so many peo­ple in­volved, it made it invincible.…
60) is about to be rolled up.
Dozens of peo­ple are go­ing to prison. And you know most of the names.
61) Not un­til the ham­mer ac­tu­al­ly falls & all the in­dict­ments are un­sealed will most peo­ple fig­ure out what Trump & his team did.
62) DNC Me­dia nev­er had a chance to compromise/thwart the in­ves­ti­ga­tion of #Ura­ni­u­mOne & #Fu­sionG­PS be­cause they fell for the COV­ER STORY.
63) It’s lit­er­al­ly too late at this point to stop what’s com­ing. That win­dow closed weeks ago.
64) Ex­am­ples will be made out of these peo­ple. When Trump & Ses­sions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of trea­son again.


Podes­ta is in US Mar­shal Custody
Anony­mous (ID: deUM6Bw3) 11/04/17(Sat)11:53:22 No.147920510

Terms of sur­ren­der was me­dia blackout.
Podesta’s lawyers are plead­ing Mueller for in­dict­ment to re­main sealed.
No leaks by MSM be­cause of loy­al­ty I pre­sume be­cause Mueller team can’t keep their mouths shut with any­one re­lat­ing to Trump.
Can you find Tony Podes­ta? Look hard. There are records!!!
Truth is the only way.



Flom­mist Bri­an-An­tho­ny is a for­mer artist, crafts­man and de­sign­er turned part time law stu­dent via YouTube and Google, works at a print shop, full time fa­ther, all around Good Samar­i­tan, en­joys a fine sati­va, read­ing and Ari­zona Green Tea. Copy­right © 2017 Bri­an-An­tho­ny. Sources: 4chan, RT.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

· · ·  a pre­vi­ous post
A NEXT POST  • • •

shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Sat 4 Nov 2017

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FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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