This response to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s ‘concentration camps’ remarks this week is very similar to the responses you see when police practices are questioned.
It seeks to humanize the people in uniform while making zero effort to do the same for the people those uniformed folks are victimizing. By forcing you into a sympathetic position for officers, you are just a little less empathetic towards the kids currently locked up in cages because it absolves those officers of any responsibility.
After all … they are just good, hardworking people doing their jobs. It’s not their fault if they are under-resourced right?
The problem here is that it sloughs off blame to a nebulous entity like “the government” and effectively precludes any discussion that is solution-focused or that preserves the humanity of the victims while undergirding the sense of “us vs. them” that makes it impossible to work (or vote) collaboratively as coalitions.
This is on purpose.
Additionally, media outlets copying and pasting Chief Provost’s quote into the share boxes on social are not functioning as independent journalists, but rather as a magnification engine for this work. Intentional or not, it makes media outlets complicit in the social control efforts being made.
We need new a Journalism Ethics Code for the digital age.
—darcy totten
Flommist Darcy Totten is devoted to illuminating often-overlooked voices and telling stories from new angles. Darcy has worked with MTV, Spike TV, NBC/Hearst, ABC, Corbis, the State of Texas, Pantheacon, RGBB, LLC, KIA motors, The Promised Band, ACSA, the NBA, several Black Lives Matter chapters and is the co-founder of Activism Articulated. Copyright © 2019 Darcy Totten.