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in hibbing

It’s a cu­ri­ous bit of syn­chronic­i­ty or kismet that on Bob Dylan’s 83rd birth­day I ar­rived in his home­town of Hi­b­bing, Min­neso­ta.

I fi­nal­ly went to see his child­hood house yes­ter­day, which is just a cou­ple of miles from my hotel. 

(Above) hon­orary re­nam­ing of the street, Bob Dy­lan Dri­ve, in front of his child­hood home.

The house has been well kept up and is cur­rent­ly owned by a Dy­lan fan.

The pop­u­la­tion of Hi­b­bing is about the same as it was in 1941 when he was born (16,000+), and iron min­ing is still the main rev­enue source in the area. 

But most in­ter­est­ing to me is that the Zim­mer­man name is all over the area: From Sax-Zim Bog, to cities named Zim and Zim­mer­man.

Of course there are books (yet un­read) that have been writ­ten about him and Hi­b­bing and more shall be revealed.

(Above) books I found on the in­ter­net. I’ll have to do an in­ter­li­brary loan search when I get home.

Hi­b­bing High School that Dy­lan at­tend­ed is two short blocks away and has quite a presence.

The iron min­ing com­pa­ny built the state­ly high school … and they prob­a­bly haven’t had any­one as awe­some as Dy­lan play in the high school au­di­to­ri­um since he graduated.


Self­ie tak­en across the street.


—jill bell

Flom­mist Jill Bell is a let­ter­ing artist and type de­sign­er. Copy­right © 2024 Jill Bell.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Wed 29 May 2024

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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