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feelings of pity, i know, right?

I am a helper. I am an em­path who feels the pain of oth­ers, and do what I can to al­le­vi­ate it, if I am able. I also come from a men­tal health ser­vices back­ground. I was a coun­selor for five years, and con­tin­ue to help and ad­vo­cate for those with men­tal ill­ness to the best of my ability.

That be­ing said, it’s not un­usu­al for me to feel be­tray­ing feel­ings of pity for the man who cur­rent­ly pre­tends to be pres­i­dent, as much as I ab­hor every­thing he is and stands for. The man is clear­ly men­tal­ly ill, deal­ing with at least one per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der, a mood dis­or­der with pos­si­ble psy­chosis, and the ear­ly stages of de­men­tia. He is not well.

But he’s also an ass­hole. He is a bad, bad man. And that’s why nei­ther I, nor you, nor any­one has to feel bad­ly for a man who is los­ing it in front of us. This is a man who mocks the dis­abled, who ad­mits to re­peat­ed sex­u­al as­sault, who treats women, the poor, and mi­nori­ties as com­modi­ties, pawns in his twist­ed game of life, ex­pend­able in every way. He cares about no one but him­self, nar­cis­sis­tic per­son­al­i­ty dis­or­der aside. He is greedy, a liar, more than like­ly a rapist, and takes great joy in in­flict­ing pain upon oth­ers. He is a bad man, and while even bad peo­ple go “crazy” and lose touch with re­al­i­ty, that does­n’t mean that all peo­ple suf­fer­ing from these ill­ness­es de­serve a free pass.

How­ev­er, with all that in mind, I can’t help but think that Trump’s en­ablers are even worse peo­ple than Trump him­self. They KNOW he is bad, they KNOW he is ill, and whether it’s Re­pub­li­cans, his staunchest sup­port­ers, or even his own ass­hole chil­dren, they still stick by him, not out of loy­al­ty, but out of sheer greed. 

Op­por­tunis­tic ass­holes who are so greedy to push their agen­das, make THEIR caus­es heard and turned into law, that they will use the ass­hole who cracked up to get their way, suck­ing the life out of him like any good par­a­site. The worst of these, in my mind, are his own chil­dren, be­cause if they tru­ly loved their fa­ther, fuck­ing trea­so­nous, big­ot­ed, racist, misog­y­nis­tic ass­hole that he is, they would tell him to give up, let it go, throw in the prover­bial towel.


His aides should do the same thing, but they don’t. They let him floun­der, em­bar­rass him­self and the en­tire coun­try, put mil­lions in dan­ger, just to piss off some lib­er­als, and get some mas­sive tax breaks, or turn dis­crim­i­na­tion into law. Their need for pow­er ri­vals Trump’s, and they’ll stop at noth­ing to get it, in­clud­ing us­ing a se­nile ass­hole to get what they want.

Do I feel sor­ry for Trump? No. He is a hor­ri­ble per­son, and while he is de­clin­ing, I can’t say that I am sor­ry about that. Kar­ma is a bitch, and so is the ag­ing process. 

But I’m no longer of the opin­ion that he is The Worst in all of this. He’s the fucked up, dis­gust­ing fig­ure­head, for sure, but his en­ablers? The racists, xeno­phobes, big­ots and misog­y­nists who cheer him on, the aides that cov­er up his every faux pas, the chil­dren who pre­tend they are his biggest fans, when they’re just wait­ing for dad­dy to crack up enough to give them a cushi­er lifestyle than they al­ready grew up in, the for­eign ad­ver­saries who em­ploy him as their pup­pet – all of them, ALL OF THEM, are as sick – or sick­er ≠ than he is. 

Our coun­try is deeply in­fect­ed with this hor­ri­ble virus, and it’s sick­en­ing to watch the whole thing un­fold. I have nev­er been more em­bar­rassed, more ashamed of what this coun­try has be­come, but as ex­haust­ed as all of this makes me, I will con­tin­ue to fight. It’s bad enough that my own body at­tacks it­self and I have to fight back daily. 

I’ll be damned if I let my home be rot­ted through with the filth that threat­ens it.


—kim­ber­ly a. morales

Flom­mist Kim­ber­ly A. Morales is a food and well­ness blog­ger, and pa­tron saint of cats. Copy­right © 2017 Kim­ber­ly A. Morales.

read en l’ordre cronológi­co

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shar­ing ist nice


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Der Tung
Mon 22 May 2017

    FLOMM is   an educational MODERN ART movement   •  art history resource
                                                         •  that promotes learning thru nü  • •  alternative medía  • • •

FLOMM is a Trademark of Steve Mehallo, Sacramento California USA. Copyright © Steve Mehallo. Call the FLOMM Answering Machine at +1 (916) 741 2394. FLOMM IS A SUPPORTER OF NON-VIOLENT ARTS EDUCATION.

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